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Questions tagged [typeorm]

TypeORM is an object-relational mapper for TypeScript and JavaScript that supports many different databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL and platforms like Node.js and the browser.

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231 votes
24 answers

TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a function or null

I am getting the following error when trying to create these entities. TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a function or null I am assuming this has something to do with circular ...
prolink007's user avatar
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144 votes
30 answers

TypeORM Entity in NESTJS - Cannot use import statement outside a module

Started new project with 'nest new' command. Works fine until I add entity file to it. Got following error: import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm'; ^^^^^^ ...
Anton's user avatar
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89 votes
30 answers

Entity metadata for Role#users was not found

Trying to make OneToMany and ManyToOne relationship with TypeORM but I get this error, I don't know what's wrong with my code. I have the following User entity: import { BaseEntity, Column, Entity, ...
Soufiaane's user avatar
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88 votes
1 answer

What’s the difference between remove and delete?

For example, I have a TypeORM entity Profile: @Entity() class Profile { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; @Column() gender: string; @Column() photo: string; @...
Yegor's user avatar
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82 votes
7 answers

How to perform a like query TypeORM

Hello guys I'm trying to find all the results that have a in them. I have tried a couple of ways but the problem is nothing works. It just returns an empty array var data = await getRepository(User) ...
Gardezi's user avatar
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80 votes
5 answers

TypeORM "OR" operator

I could not find any notion of OR operator neither in TypeORM docs nor in the source code. does it support it at all? I'm trying to do perform a basic search with a repository. db.getRepository(...
levansuper's user avatar
78 votes
5 answers

TypeORM: update item and return it

As far as I know, it's a best practice to return an item after it has been updated. TypeORM's updateById returns void, not the updated item though. My question: Is it possible to update and return ...
sandrooco's user avatar
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75 votes
13 answers

TypeORM upsert - create if not exist

Does TypeORM include some functionnality to avoid this : let contraption = await thingRepository.findOne({ name : "Contraption" }); if(!contraption) // Create if not exist { let newThing = new ...
LucasBordeau's user avatar
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74 votes
7 answers

TypeORM array is not supported in postgres?

I have a column kid_ages which is Integer[]. When migrating, I get the following error: DataTypeNotSupportedError: Data type "Array" in "home.kid_ages" is not supported by "...
ben berizovsky's user avatar
72 votes
6 answers

How can I have IS NULL condition in TypeORM find options?

In my queries I'm using TypeORM find option. How can I have IS NULL condition in the where clause?
user4092086's user avatar
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70 votes
11 answers

TypeORM how to seed database

I am running my Node JS backend using typeorm ORM. Coming from Entity Framework, it was very easy to seed the db with a few lines such as Database.SetInitializer(new DbInitializer()); Where the ...
Aaron Ullal's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

How to implement pagination in NestJS with TypeORM

Is there any way to get the total count and records with a single query, instead of running it as 2 separate queries? If it's not possible, is there any way to reuse the where condition in both ...
HanJeaHwan's user avatar
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63 votes
6 answers

Postgres enum in TypeORM

In TypeORM, how can I create a postgres enum type Gender as in this raw query CREATE TYPE public.Gender AS ENUM ( 'male', 'female' ); ALTER TABLE public.person ALTER COLUMN gender TYPE public....
Tai Tran's user avatar
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62 votes
36 answers

No metadata for "User" was found using TypeOrm

I'm trying to get a basic setup working using TypeORM, and getting this error following the setup. Here is a REPL (just do yarn install && yarn db:dev followed by yarn db:migrate && ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 228k
60 votes
7 answers

Typeorm how to get relations of relations

I am getting the Object ChatRoomEntity with entitymanager.findOne method. The ChatRoomEntity has the variable messages which is a OneToMany - ManyToOne Relation. I have no problems to select that but ...
xDrago's user avatar
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59 votes
7 answers

TypeORM: How to order by a relation field

I have a Singer entity and a related Song entity Singer entity export class Singer { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; @Column() name: string; @OneToMany( type => Song, ...
Budget's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

TypeORM cascade option: cascade, onDelete, onUpdate

Do cascade options in TypeORM overlap or do they have a completely different purpose? Their description in the documentation is very scarce and partly missing, or I couldn't find it. IOW, do the ...
Serg's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Searching data older than a Date with typeORM

I am executing a query to Postgre DB to fetch data older than a specific date. Here's my function async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> { return await this.fileRepository.find({ where:...
infodev's user avatar
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55 votes
4 answers

Does TypeORM supports raw SQL queries for input and output?

I would like to know if there is a feature of TypeORM that supports raw sql queries for Insert Update Delete Select etc..
Shift 'n Tab's user avatar
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52 votes
16 answers

Connection "default" was not found with TypeORM

I use TypeORM with NestJS and I am not able to save properly an entity. The connection creation works, postgres is running on 5432 port. Credentials are OK too. However when I need to save a ...
ValentinV's user avatar
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49 votes
6 answers

How can I create columns with type Date and type DateTime in nestjs with typeORM?

I am new with nestjs. How can I set columns that accepts Date format and dateTime format? Not in both cases, the columns are two differents column, one accept Date and other dateTime.
kri-dev's user avatar
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48 votes
6 answers

TypeORM: auto generated UUID in PostgreSQL

I am writing a REST API and for data access I am using TypeORM. I have used this successfully but I would like to have a UUID auto-generated primary key on one of my tables. Does anyone know how to ...
Neil Stevens's user avatar
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47 votes
12 answers

How to exclude entity field from returned by controller JSON. NestJS + Typeorm

I want to exclude password field from returned JSON. I am using NestJS and Typeorm. The solution provided on this question doesn't work for me or in NestJS. I can post my code if needed. Any other ...
VMois's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

TypeError: rxjs_1.lastValueFrom is not a function

I am building an api using nestjs. After adding the typeorm and pg dependencies and adding the TypeOrmModule.forRoot({}) code in app.module.ts like shown below. import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';...
npkp's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Node.js add created_at and updated_at in entity of typeorm

I have task entity like this: import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from "typeorm"; @Entity() export class Task extends BaseEntity{ @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() ...
paranoid's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

How to set a nullable database field to NULL with typeorm?

This seems like such a simple question to answer, but finding an answer for this seems impossible. I am building a password reset feature for a backend application with Express and Typescript. I am ...
Errol59's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

TypeORM Postgres WHERE ANY or IN With QueryBuilder Or Find?

I've been trying to figure out how to select every record in a Postgres db that includes a certain id in a column that has arrays of integers. I'm new at all this but I believe I want an SQL ...
Preston's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

GraphQLError: Query root type must be provided

I'm using NestJS, TypeORM and GraphQL for my backend API. I'm getting the following error: GraphQLError [Object]: Query root type must be provided. at SchemaValidationContext.reportError (/home/...
Fardeen Panjwani's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Select attributes on repository.find() with relations (TypeORM)

My method returns a a bill object with all of User object. I would like that I return only bill object and User with two attributes in entity. I use TypeORM /** * Returns a bills by account bill ...
promiseREact5's user avatar
40 votes
1 answer

How to query a Many-to-Many relation with TypeORM

Note has a many-to-many relationship to Subject What is the best way to query it? I would like to write the following to get all the subjects on a give note: const subjectRepo = connection....
Jonathan's user avatar
  • 16.3k
39 votes
2 answers

TypeORM: What's difference between @Unique decorator and { unique: true } in column options?

In TypeORM you have the possibility to set a unique flag in the column options, or to set column(s) to unique for the entity. When would you use which, and what's the difference there? @Unique(["...
Karl Adler's user avatar
  • 16.5k
36 votes
8 answers

How to specify ormconfig.ts for TypeORM?

I have created a sample TypeORM project using the TypeORM CLI which has ormconfig.json by default: { "type": "postgres", "host": "localhost", "...
Hussain Ali Akbar's user avatar
34 votes
10 answers

QueryFailedError: the column "price" contain null values - TypeORM - PostgreSQL

I've created a simple table: import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm" @Entity() export class Test { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() public id!: number @Column(...
Avedis Maroukian's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

typeORM: "message": "Data type \"Object\" in \"..." is not supported by \"postgres\" database."

Given the following entity definition: @Entity() export class User extends BaseEntity { @Column({ nullable: true }) name!: string | null; @Column() age!: number; } The following error ...
silicakes's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

Typeorm when trying to run migrations: Missing required argument: dataSource

I'm trying to run TypeORM migrations with ormconfig.json like this { "name": "default", "type": "postgres", "host": "ip-is-here", &...
Eddie R's user avatar
  • 514
32 votes
12 answers

TypeORM does not create tables, columns etc

I have set up a system with typeorm ( and NestJs (, but TypeORM isn't creating the tables or columns. My setup is like this: import {...
bersling's user avatar
  • 18.8k
32 votes
6 answers

TypeORM CLI: No changes in database schema were found

I'm am developing an application using NestJS and TypeORM. Whenever I try to generate migrations from my entities (by running typeorm migration:generate) I get the following message: No changes in ...
Diogo Domanski's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Can I map entity field names to alias column names in TypeORM?

I am in the process of migrating from Rails to NestJs with TypeORM. For historical reasons, table names and column names in Rails are snaked_cased - I don't want to copy this nuisance to our NestJs/...
Adrian E's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

TypeORM cannot find entities if entity directory was not set in configuration files

I'm using TypeORM with the fallowing configuration file: ormconfig.json { "type": "mysql", "host": "localhost", "port": 3306, "username": "root", "password": "my-secret-pw", "database": "mytestdb", } ...
Daniel Santos's user avatar
30 votes
7 answers

NestJS + TypeORM: Use two or more databases?

I'm trying since 2 days to solve this, perhaps I'm simply missing the point here. My goal was to write a NestJS app (with TypeORM included) which serves a RestAPI for 2 or 3 of my little projects, ...
sagerobert's user avatar
29 votes
9 answers

cannot connect an SSL secured database to typeorm

This is my first time using NestJS and I am having trouble connecting my Postgres database which is hosted on Digitalocean to NestJS. I searched online for solutions and tried adding "ssl": "true" or ...
bbousq's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to 'protect' a property and exclude it from select statements

I'd like to protect certain properties on the data-layer level. For example I'd like to protect the password hash I store in the database for a user, so that it doesn't show up in arbitrary select-...
Highmastdon's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

How to do custom repository using TypeORM (MongoDB) in NestJS?

I have a question. With @EntityRepository decorator being marked as deprecated in typeorm@^0.3.6, what is now the recommended or TypeScript-friendly way to create a custom repository for an entity in ...
unspeakable29's user avatar
28 votes
9 answers

EntityMetadataNotFound: No metadata for "Task" was found - NestJS

I am learning the NestJS course from Udemy And I am stuck with a strange issue and I have tried many things but nothing seems to be working. Here is ...
RKD's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

TypeORM QueryRunner Select distinct

Below is my SQL query: Select distinct ports.port_name from orders left join port_master on orders.officeId = ports.portId; How to write the above SQL using typeorm query runner to select the ...
Dharita Chokshi's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

TypeORM: Joining when we have one to many and many to one relationship

@Entity() export class User { @PrimaryColumn() id: string; @Column({unique: true}) username: string; @Column({unique: true}) email: string; @OneToMany(type => Post, post => post....
Darius Bogdan's user avatar
28 votes
16 answers

RepositoryNotFoundError: No repository for "User" was found. Looks like this entity is not registered in current "default" connection? Typeorm

I am having a fun issue trying to get TypeOrm to work in my nestjs project. I have the below code to configure my project, yes everything loads, and yes I am able to connect to my database. import { ...
theMoleKing's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

SpyOn TypeORM repository to change the return value for unit testing NestJS

I would like to unittest corner cases for my TypeORM database calls. I have already mocked all my TypeORM repositories with valid data. But I would like to SpyOn the repository and change the return ...
David Dehghan's user avatar
27 votes
9 answers

TypeORM PostgreSQL select where JSON field equals some value

Goal: write a select query that returns all rows where state equals "florida". Entity column: @Column({ type: 'json'}) public address: Address; Sample column value: {"city": "miami", "state": ...
user2263572's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

SyntaxError: Unexpected token import TypeORM entity

So, I am working with TypeORM and am getting an odd error when I transpile my TypeScript to JavaScript. I am receiving the following error: (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {...
tootall414's user avatar
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