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Questions tagged [uninstallation]

An uninstaller (also called a deinstaller) is a piece of utility software designed to remove all or parts of other software from a device.

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683 votes
18 answers

How can I remove a package from Laravel using PHP Composer?

What is the correct way to remove a package from Laravel using PHP Composer? So far I've tried: Remove declaration from file composer.json (in the "require" section) Remove any class ...
igaster's user avatar
  • 13.4k
680 votes
7 answers

How to completely uninstall Android Studio on Mac?

I recently downloaded Android Studio on my Macbook Pro and I messed up with it every time I open it. It gives me plugin errors and several other errors. I need to uninstall it completely from my mac. ...
Mostafa Addam's user avatar
527 votes
4 answers

npm command to uninstall or prune unused packages in Node.js

Is there a way to simply uninstall all unused (undeclared) dependencies from a Node.js project (ones that are no longer defined in my package.json.) When I update my application I like to have the ...
Tarion's user avatar
  • 16.8k
495 votes
13 answers

What's the opposite of 'make install', i.e. how do you uninstall a library in Linux?

While running ./configure --prefix=/mingw on a MinGW/MSYS system for a library I had previously run './configure --prefix=/mingw && make && make install' I came across this ...
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452 votes
17 answers

How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4?

I want to completely remove Python 2.7 from my Mac OS X 10.6.4. I managed to remove the entry from the PATH variable by reverting my .bash_profile. But I also want to remove all directories, files, ...
Jan Deinhard's user avatar
255 votes
9 answers

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu? [closed]

Somehow I've managed to completely bugger the install of postgresql on Ubuntu karmic. I want to start over from scratch, but when I "purge" the package with apt-get it still leaves traces behind such ...
John Mee's user avatar
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224 votes
14 answers

How to uninstall Anaconda completely from macOS

How can I completely uninstall Anaconda from MacOS Sierra and revert back to the original Python? I have tried using conda-clean -yes but that doesn't work. I also remove the stuff in ~/.bash_profile ...
Jordan Baron's user avatar
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201 votes
10 answers

Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion?

This question may look like a duplicate of: How to uninstall postgresql on my Mac (running Snow Leopard) however, there are two major differences. I'm running Lion and I'm trying to uninstall ...
Ramy's user avatar
  • 21.1k
187 votes
7 answers

How to uninstall a Windows Service when there is no executable for it left on the system?

How do I uninstall a Windows Service when there is no executable for it left on the system? I can not run installutil -u since there is not executable left on the system. I can still see an entry for ...
Magnus Lindhe's user avatar
178 votes
8 answers

How to completely uninstall VS Code on mac?

I need to do a clean installation of VS Code on my mac. I opened the terminal and removed the .vscode/ from ~. I also deleted the Visual Studio from /. However, after deleting all that and ...
redeemefy's user avatar
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175 votes
7 answers

How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings

I have an issue that I can only assume is with Xcode, where my apps take forever to run and crash the phone/restart about 75% of the time. I tried using older versions of the code that I'd saved ...
robestrong's user avatar
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171 votes
8 answers

How to uninstall Jenkins?

This is probably very simple, but I can't find any hint anywhere. So how one is supposed to do that, in general and specifically on Mac?
jayarjo's user avatar
  • 16.6k
168 votes
7 answers

How to uninstall editable packages with pip (installed with -e)

I have installed some packages with -e > pip install -e git+ I with pip freeze I see > pip freeze .....
Michael_Scharf's user avatar
164 votes
7 answers

How to remove a package in sublime text 2

I would like to remove and/or deactivate the Emmet package in Sublime Text 2. Should I just remove the Emmet directory or what is the typical workflow for removal of a package?
thomasstephn's user avatar
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163 votes
8 answers

How to completely uninstall a Django app?

What is the procedure for completely uninstalling a Django app, complete with database removal?
zer0stimulus's user avatar
  • 23.2k
163 votes
15 answers

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

I installed both Python 2.7 and Python 2.6.5. I don't know what went wrong, but nothing related to Python seems to work any more. e.g. " install" for certain packages don't recognize the "...
Jonathan Livni's user avatar
157 votes
10 answers

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)

My application installs other applications, and it needs to keep track of what applications it has installed. Of course, this could be achieved by simply keeping a list of installed applications. But ...
Håvard Geithus's user avatar
153 votes
2 answers

How to downgrade Xcode to previous version?

I have to use Xcode occasionally, and have now come across a problem where I've upgraded to Xcode 4.6, but another piece of software I'm using doesn't support it, so I need to go back to Xcode 4.5. I'...
MadSkunk's user avatar
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152 votes
15 answers

How can I uninstall an application using PowerShell?

Is there a simple way to hook into the standard 'Add or Remove Programs' functionality using PowerShell to uninstall an existing application? Or to check if the application is installed?
Rob Paterson's user avatar
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143 votes
16 answers

How do you globally uninstall all dependencies listed in package.json (NPM)?

If I have a package.json file defined in my application root and run npm install -g it will install all the dependencies defined in package.json, globablly. However, this doesn't seem to work in ...
qodeninja's user avatar
  • 11.1k
135 votes
7 answers

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

I have adb running and device is connected to my system in debugging mode, I want to uninstall app using intent launch using adb shell am start <INTENT> I don't want to uninstall using adb ...
RPB's user avatar
  • 16.2k
131 votes
7 answers

How to uninstall mini conda? python

I've install the conda package as such: $ wget $ bash miniconda $ conda install numpy pandas scipy matplotlib scikit-learn nltk ipython-notebook seaborn I want to uninstall ...
alvas's user avatar
  • 120k
117 votes
10 answers

How to completely uninstall Visual Studio 2010?

I've been looking to find a CLEAN solution to completely and ultimately remove Visual Studio 2010 from my computer. When you install Visual Studio, it also installs a bunch of programs (about 55) in ...
dan's user avatar
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107 votes
5 answers

How to uninstall Eclipse?

I want to uninstall Eclipse version Mars 2, but it doesn't appear in the "Programs and Features" area of the Windows Control Panel. The installer has installed start menu shortcuts and other artifacts,...
vasanths294's user avatar
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104 votes
6 answers

Force uninstall of Visual Studio

While uninstalling Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview, it throws an error quoting "Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 Preview has stopped working" Message Content Include: A problem ...
Arafat's user avatar
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103 votes
8 answers

What is the best way to uninstall gems from a rails3 project?

I installed all of my gems using bundler via the Gemfile. I thought (mistakenly) that if I deleted a gem from my Gemfile and ran 'bundle install' that the deleted gems would be uninstalled. I've ...
lashleigh's user avatar
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103 votes
5 answers

How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup?

I need to find the product GUID for an installed MSI file in order to perform maintenance such as patching, uninstall (how-to uninstall) and also for auditing purposes.
Stein Åsmul's user avatar
  • 41.3k
96 votes
8 answers

How to remove an app with active device admin enabled on Android?

I wrote an app with device admin enabled (DevicePolicyManager) and installed. But when I want to uninstall it, it returns failed with this message WARN/PackageManager(69): Not removing package com....
shiami's user avatar
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95 votes
3 answers

How can an app detect that it's going to be uninstalled? [duplicate]

All we know that usual (in practice any) antivirus application before uninstall used to fire simple dialog like: "You're going to uninstall app, are you sure?" - "yes/no". Yes, I know that I can ...
Barmaley's user avatar
  • 16.4k
94 votes
7 answers

How to completely uninstall kubernetes

I installed kubernetes cluster using kubeadm following this guide. After some period of time, I decided to reinstall K8s but run into troubles with removing all related files and not finding any docs ...
Kirill Liubun's user avatar
91 votes
6 answers

CMake support "make uninstall"?

I am trying to find some sudo-free solution to enable my users install and unistall my application. Using set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "$ENV{HOME}/opt/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}-${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}/") ...
katang's user avatar
  • 2,674
90 votes
10 answers

How to uninstall .vsix Visual Studio Extensions?

I am currently trying to install the XNA Game Studio for Visual Studio Express 2013. And I accidentally ran the .vsix program BEFORE actually installing the XNA framework. After installing it and re-...
user avatar
80 votes
6 answers

Remove composer

I installed composer while trying to install CakePHP, but the installation was not successful and I want to uninstall composer. I am not finding any way to do this. For the installation I used the ...
Lazarus Rising's user avatar
78 votes
7 answers

Cmd crashes with exit code 1 after uninstalling anaconda

Problem description I got this problem in my Win10 Pro Machine. I uninstalled Anaconda because it gaves me problem with Jupyter notebook and reinstalled it. But since then I'm unable to access ...
Filippo Vicari's user avatar
72 votes
4 answers

Too many different Python versions on my system and causing problems

During the past years, I have installed many Python libraries with various Python versions. To make them ready to work immediately, I installed them blindly without control. Currently they're causing ...
Timothy's user avatar
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70 votes
4 answers

ReSharper uninstall - Visual Studio no longer shows correct error highlighting

I've been trying out ReSharper and decided that I'd like to uninstall it. However, after doing so, Visual Studio no longer shows red underline highlighting that it normally uses to identify the ...
user avatar
69 votes
1 answer

How to remove docker installed using wget? [closed]

I've installed docker following installation tutorial on, using wget | sh command. Now i need to remove it entirely. apt-get remove docker, apt-get --auto-remove ...
Buyuk's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

How to uninstall npm package?

I've installed grunt using sudo npm install grunt and now I can't remove it. I've tried: $ sudo npm uninstall grunt But it gives me a WARN: npm WARN uninstall not installed in /home/kuba/projects/...
jcubic's user avatar
  • 65.3k
68 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to detect Android app uninstall?

My app is using Google's C2DM (push notification) to notify users about new activity from friends. Once they install the app I register the device with C2DM servers and store user's phone number. So I ...
android-developer's user avatar
66 votes
1 answer

Complete remove and reinstall R, including all packages

After some heavy tinkering, I must have screwed up my R installation and some package permissions. Rather than try to fix it, I just want to wipe and reinstall everything. So I did: sudo apt-get ...
Misconstruction's user avatar
63 votes
11 answers

How can I uninstall Ruby on ubuntu?

How can I uninstall Ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-07-02) [i486-linux] on ubuntu? Need to reinstall - please help
khanh's user avatar
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58 votes
4 answers

Uninstall packages in Mac OS X

How can you completely uninstall (remove files that belong to) a certain package in Mac OS X? Can this be done using a command in the terminal? I have installed a .pkg package on my Mac and I am ...
newbieMACuser's user avatar
57 votes
5 answers

Uninstalling the currently active version of node.js with nvm

On Ubuntu 16.04, I mistakenly used root to install nvm, and then to install node.js 8.8.1 via nvm. I also used nvm alias default 8.8.1, thinking it would correct my error. Now I would like to: ...
James Newton's user avatar
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51 votes
13 answers

Uninstall Eclipse under OSX?

I'm running Eclipse SDK 3.4.0 on Mac OS X 10.5.6. Every time I try to install something new through "software updates", the message "The software items you selected may not be valid with your current ...
yogman's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

PowerShell 5.1 - How to uninstall module which is currently use

We are using some PowerShell modules in one deployment PowerShell script. Using following command we are installing module (i.e. XXXX) into "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules". Install-...
mit's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

Uninstall Chocolatey package

The Chocolatey package manager supports silent installations via the command below. It doesn't seem to have an uninstall command. cinst install packagename Is there a way to uninstall an application ...
Shaun Danielz's user avatar
44 votes
6 answers

Apache Cordova - uninstall globally

I've installed cordova via npm and i did it globally, now i would like to remove it to reinstall it on single app folder Any clue on how to do it safely?
Filippo oretti's user avatar
44 votes
10 answers

How to Reinstall Broken npm

I just installed node v9.11.1 when I try to use npm I keep getting the following error: npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v9.11.1 npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version ...
CTS_AE's user avatar
  • 14.2k
43 votes
5 answers

pip uninstall: "No files were found to uninstall."

I have created a python module, call it 'foo_bar'. I can install it and I can upgrade it, but I cannot uninstall it. I build my module using bdist_wheel: $ python3 bdist_wheel And I ...
jeff00seattle's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

How to uninstall R and RStudio with all packages, settings and everything else?

I messed up something and there is a problem with tidyverse. Tried to find a solution but spend lots of time without result. How to uninstall R and RStudio with all packages, settings and everything ...
vasili111's user avatar
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