I have installed Expo CLI globally and cant start a new react native app without using expo cli and therefore would like to uninstall it from my system. I have spent hours trying to work out how to removeit globally from my system

16 Answers 16


To completely uninstall expo cli

On Windows

  • The first step npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save (also yarn global remove expo-cli if you use yarn).
  • Second cd %USERPROFILE% && rmdir /Q /S .expo

On Mac OS Catalina

  • The first step npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save (also yarn global remove expo-cli if you use yarn).

  • Second cd ~ && rm -rf .expo

Thanks to @Александр Наумкин and @Liko for editing and comments

  • I did after uninstaling I rired create-react-native-app it says this command reuire expo cli Why I am useing node v 13.5.0 and npm 6.13.0
    – user123456
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 18:38
  • try thisnpx react-native init yourProjectName
    – Amir133
    Commented Jan 8, 2020 at 8:35
  • 1
    On Mac, Second: cd ~ && rm -rf .expo
    – Liko
    Commented Jun 5, 2020 at 22:06

I had the same problem and after searching I found this command:

npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save

finally expo-cli is deleted from my pc but it still asks about it every time I type create-react-native-app. if anybody knows how to go on from here be my guest.

and I hope this helps you

edit: if you use react-native init it is almost the same as create-react-native-app without expo-cli. This is how I chose to carry on as using the create command with expo-cli gives the application error after error if you install any api.

  • For future googlers: "expo-cli is deleted from my pc but it still asks about it everytime I type create-react-native-app" - it happens due to this method of bootstrapping has been deprecated since the CRNA project was merged with Expo. Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:39

npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save did not work for me, but yarn global remove expo-cli did.

I expected the npm option to work, and was surprised when it didn't. I am using nvm, and wonder if this answer explains why the npm option didn't work for me.


if you are using npm then this command will work for uninstalling expo cli

npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save

If you are using nvm.

search for node version with expo installed.

find ~/.nvm -name "*expo*" -type d

nvm use {nodeversion}

npm -g uninstall expo-cli 
  • Yes, new nvm users will find this answer helpful. Commented Sep 12, 2022 at 12:52

I had the same problem once, i have tried

npm -g uninstall expo-cli

but after the my problem didn't get solved, i have searched lot even after that problem did't get solved, i am also using yarn so finally i have decided to remove using the yarn i tried

yarn global remove expo-cli

This indeed solved my issue


If yarn don't work for you or you prefer using npm use:

npm rm -g expo cli

Very simple to uninstall a npm package. Just enter this command :

npm uninstall -g expo-cli

In Windows 10 npm uninstall -g expo-cli --save worked for me from nodejs console, opening it as administrator


In windows 10 to uninstall :

  • npm uninstall -g expo-cli --save
  • yarn remove global expo-cli

Worked for me.

After that, for install last version then:

  • npm install -g expo-cli --save
  • expo-cli --version 3.21.13

I had this issue. My steps

  1. npm cache clean --force

  2. npx install create-react-native-app

  3. cd

  4. npm install -g expo-cli

  5. expo start If you get error at 4 about node.js just install latest version. Then

  6. Open your package.json file and add:

    "react-navigation": "git://github.com/Snailapp/react-navigation.git#2.18.5"

  7. npm install


Ok, in addition to existing answers, with commands like npm -g uninstall expo-cli and deleting manually .expo folder inside %USER% i try expo whoami, and my output was:

$ expo whoami

There is a new version of expo-cli available (4.13.0).
You are currently using expo-cli 3.23.3
Install expo-cli globally using the package manager of your choice; for example: npm install -g expo-cli to get the latest version

[13:13:03] › Not logged in, run expo login to authenticate

So i had to do a bit more manual work:

  • %USER%\AppData\local and deleted expo folder
  • went to %USER%\AppData\Roaming\npm folder and manually deleted expo related files

After that i did expo whoami and output is:

$ expo whoami bash: /c/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/npm/expo: No such file or directory

Finally, i opened new command prompt and did npm i --g expo-cli and after installation with expo -V i get 4.13.0.


If you are using windows so use this command

npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save

And then run second command:

cd %USERPROFILE% && rmdir /Q /S  .expo

If the second command cannot found, open your file explorer (windows + E) and then go to disk C -> Users -> Admin, you will see .expo folder, just delete it manually.


In my case on ubuntu (I installed "expo": "^50.0.6"), what worked for me is sudo npm uninstall -g expo-cli.


On Windows

  • Step 1: RUN npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save or yarn global remove expo-cli (If you are using yarn).
  • Step 2: If step 1 does not works then check for used node version by your version manager generally nvm
  • Step 3: In all your installed node versions RUN npm ls -g --depth=0
  • Step 4: Search for expo-cli when found RUN Step 1 again

I had the same issue i unistalled using npm uninstall expo-cli or npm unistall -g expo-cli

  • 4
    Looks more of a comment
    – StupidWolf
    Commented Jun 13, 2021 at 7:34

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