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Questions tagged [use-strict]

According to Mozilla Developer Network, ECMAScript 5's strict mode is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript. Strict mode isn't just a subset: it intentionally has different semantics from normal code.

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1 answer

JavaScript: duplicate property name and getter/setter an error in ES5?

JS noob here: If a getter/setter with a particular name is used that is the same as a property's name that takes on a value, and in code that is in strict mode, will an error occur in ES5? Ex (where ...
mishar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to disable "Use Strict" in Jest

I am writing some unit tests for a codebase which uses octal literals. Whenever the test is executed with npm test, a syntax error appears as follows: Legacy octal literals are not allowed in strict ...
Christos Binos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Use strict is not working when I call my hoisted function

I have the following code "use strict"; x = 12; function myFunction() { } myFunction(); so i am using use strict at the top of my script and now I am in strict mode - so I can't have ...
someusername12's user avatar
1 vote
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I have 'use-strict' mode in JS enabled implicitly [closed]

It turns out that I have 'use-strict' enabled and I don't know why... const isStrict = () => !this console.log( isStrict() ); This code returns me true and I'm testing it in a plain .js file, ...
Manuel Casares's user avatar
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"use strict" does not work on ES6 using Visual Studio Code

In "use strict" mode, this in function should be [object Window] rather than the object that calls the function in regular mode. But when I'm trying to proof of concept, it doesn't work, I'm ...
Light Yagami's user avatar
3 votes
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`use strict` is not working when we use template literals

If I enclose use strict with backticks/template literals, 'use strict' is not working as expected. Can you share the reason behind it? Are there any similar exceptional statements where template ...
Balaji Nandikolla's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does this code create the object, but still treats it as undefined? [duplicate]

I don't understand why doesn't this code work as expected: "use strict"; window.obj.prop = (() => { window.obj = { myobj: true }; return "value"; })(); I always thought that = operator ...
Parzh from Ukraine's user avatar
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I read that 'use strict' error but it doesn't tell what exactly is causing the error

Seems like there is a bad coding habit but it doesn't tell exactly where. Anybody has an experience with that? this is the code causing an error $scope.removeAllSelectedItems = function (...
dumb11's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to use undeclared variables in Reactjs

I am creating a script node in my react code on run time using document.createElement('script') and assigning its src to a url, Now I want to use the variable of the included JS in my react code ...
Hemant Sahani's user avatar
1 vote
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Why isn't "use strict" default?

Why isn't "use strict" the default way to interpret ES6 javascript, preferring the functionality: "do not use strict" (or whatever) to turn it off? Previously, I imagined "use strict" as sort of like ...
PJM Design's user avatar
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1 answer

JavaScript "use strict" inconsistently working in Chrome snippets / DevTools Sources panel

I am currently taking a Udemy course on "Advanced" Javascript concepts (, and the first lesson goes over the "use strict" command and its ...
longoria's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to count the number of arguments to a JavaScript function without using "arguments"?

I've been updating a library I wrote some time ago, and in doing so have realized that there are unexpected errors when testing in strict mode. These arise because of checks at the beginning of some ...
Sophie's user avatar
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Not-enabled 'use strict' is blocking execution of the code

Yesterday, I was practicing just a real basics and everything worked fine. But when I opened test html today, I noticed that there are the error now: const otherDate = new Date(); document....
Nela Jungmannová's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to require jQuery in Node using Gulp?

Building a PWA on top of NodeJS. Utilizing gulp to processes package/bundle for production. Also using jQuery. Receiving the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined package.json: "...
Clay Hess's user avatar
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1 answer

With "use strict" enabled, why can I assign a variable without let while using prompt()

I wrote "use strict"; at the top of my script. I can't write num = 5; because I get ReferenceError: Can't find variable: num. To fix this I can write let num = 5;. Using that logic, why am I ...
Brian's user avatar
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1 answer

Does "use strict" still work the same way in ES6?

I read an answer that "use strict" helps in restricting access to global variables and throwing unnecessary exceptions. But I just happened to wonder, whether "use strict" is still popular in ES6? OR ...
Srishti Ganjoo's user avatar
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WebStorm on Ubuntu issue

A few days ago I installed Ubuntu on my computer and then WebStorm but I'm having an issue with JavaScript projects. It gave me an error saying that I cannot use the word "let". After a few hours, I ...
Svetoslav Nedelchev's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

"use strict" in the middle of the program

Why the second function didn't use the "use strict"; mode (it shows me window object in console): function test() { console.log(this); } test(); // will be global or window, it's okay "use ...
Avernikoz's user avatar
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Angular: "use strict" IE11

I ran into a problem in the browser IE11. The project is in Angular 2/4. Error: Multiple definitions of a property not allowed in strict mode. In file main.bundle.js
Nelta Tunerz's user avatar
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Meteor won't start. "Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode" in ejson.js

I'm new to Meteor, and only trying to install and get a new app running. I had things were working last Friday, but had to reinstall today and can no longer get the app running. The install has been ...
03T's user avatar
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"use strict" issue in Edge browser from angular 4

I am having trouble to resolve this issue which appears in Edge browser. Have tried manually removing "use strict" from my build, which did not help me out. I am using the latest angular 4.3.6 in my ...
Karthik's user avatar
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Javascript - Assign (not clone) a large object to a new variable to reduce its name

I want to assign a large object to a new variable to reduce its name, but I have an error : "realEstateProjectFundReuse" is read-only const realEstateProjectFundReuse = this.project....
Mouad Ennaciri's user avatar
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Use strict mode on Progress bar

Progress bar is working If I put it directly in the index.html page. But it isn't working (animation) if I put it in external active.js file with "use strict" mode. But Other JS is working fine. ...
Ziaul's user avatar
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use strict leads to undefined function

I am trying to organize my js file and followed a suggested module pattern. When I use "use-strict" in this pattern a function is declared as undefined, without the "use-strict" method the function ...
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"use strict" and naming arguments in function calls

A colleague advised me to add "use strict"; to the top of my JS code to highlight any gaps in my definitions and potential reference errors, etc. I am very happy with it because it has identified ...
Jack Parkinson's user avatar
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Why "use strict"; prevent a jQuery click event on Safari?

My jQuery click event does not work when I use the "strict mode" in my external javascript file. The "use strict"; is placed on top of the file. However, the click event does works when using the ...
Mike Casan Ballester's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to disbale 'use strict' for jshint in Atom

I would like to disable JSHint warning "W097": use function form of 'use strict'. I know I can place /* jshint -W097 */ and /* jshint node: true */ But I don't want to manually add that on top of ...
Fernando B's user avatar
5 votes
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Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode IE11

I have been told by IE11 that var self = this is a read-only variable... Yet I am not assigning anything to it after its declaration point. The only variable is height that is changing. Even though, i ...
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it necessary to use strict when using certain es6 methods in Node.js [duplicate]

We are having a debate at my work, some people say when using es6 and nodejs, without babel of course, you should always add 'use strict' BECAUSE some es6 methods may not work. I can't find ...
Daniel Kobe's user avatar
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What happens if I don't put "use strict" in a function? [duplicate]

What's the difference following two cases? Using use strict at the top of the file, not in a function "use strict"; (function () { // ... })(); Using use strict in the wrapping function (...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does strict mode make such simple actions such different?

There is an extremely simple algorythm, which works surprisely different in two cases, depending on the presence of "use strict". Case 1: If func() declaration is within the strict mode, than ...
Parzh from Ukraine's user avatar
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'use-strict' enabled but not working in node

I have enabled use-strict mode in my .js file but when I run it, node keeps telling me that I don't have it enabled. PLEASE don't tell me to write "use-strict"; at the top of my file because I already ...
ChannelJuanNews's user avatar
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"Use Strict" and the applicable scope [duplicate]

I am interested to learn when using strict mode, where does it apply to. I know that I cannot put it once in my file and be done, rather it has to be in the functions, etc. I was told if I put it in ...
stoXe's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

use strict in javascript not working for fat arrow?

I found an interesting case where "use strict" is not working as expected in javascript. Following functions "use strict"; var y = () => { console.log(this); } var x = function () { ...
gorgi93's user avatar
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Using "using strict" as a backup for "use strong"

Is there someway to use "use strong"; and have "use strict"; used as a backup? Since it appears like Google Chrome is the only browser to support "use strong"; at the moment.
erikvold's user avatar
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7 votes
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JS: What is 'this' coercion? What does use-strict have to do with that?

I read the following on a website: Use-strict has an advantage. It eliminates this coercion. Without strict mode, a reference to a this value of null or undefined is automatically coerced to ...
Sunny Bharadwaj's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is typescript complaining when a /// reference is after 'use strict'?

This question is some what related to Why is typescript failing to import a module?, which I asked yesterday. The initial setup is the same. I have a simple typescript file like this: /// <...
Andrew Eisenberg's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to set 'use strict' globally with JSLint

I'm new to javascript and am trying to validate through JSLint. Where should I put "use strict" to use it globally and validate? This gives me error "Unexpected expression 'use strict' in statement ...
Sluggo's user avatar
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custom 'use strict' like directives

I'm looking for a better logging/debugging method for my project. So I came up with the idea to use custom directives like the 'use strict'. Is it possible to write something like this function xyz (...
harmoniemand's user avatar
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make class such that configure one time & use method of that class in any file in project

All i want is to make 1 time configuration in main file(main.js) while server starts... And use method of that class multiple time in different files(conn1.js,conn2.js)... i am making a npm module ...
Vishant dhandha's user avatar
52 votes
16 answers

How to remove global "use strict" added by babel

I'm using function form of "use strict" and don't want global form which Babel adds after transpilation. The problem is I'm using some libraries that aren't using "use strict" mode and it might throw ...
ani h's user avatar
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How can I fix "Missing 'use strict' statement"?

$(document).ready(function(){ 'use strict'; $('#c2').hide('slow'); }); <html> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="Header"> <nav> ...
Joseph Long's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Variable typeof object in strict mode?

This piece of JavaScript ran fine without "use strict";. But how can I check if a global variable exists with strict mode and what type it has without running into a undeclared variable error? if (!(...
powtac's user avatar
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2 answers

"use strict" inheritance / scope

//Global Scope "use strict"; //1 function A() { "use strict"; //2 function innerA() { "use strict"; //3 } } I was just wondering: Is doing use strict at //1 is enough or do we ...
ashwinikumar001's user avatar
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Why is 'Use Strict' causing functions to be undefined

I have a partial that is loading two scripts. The second script calls a function in the first script... Both scripts use "use strict;" at the top. When the second script calls the function in the ...
user2579064's user avatar
59 votes
6 answers

How do you find out the caller function in JavaScript when use strict is enabled?

Is it possible to see the callee/caller of a function when use strict is enabled? 'use strict'; function jamie (){; //this will output the ...
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
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Do I need to use the function form of 'use strict' in jasmine test files?

I'm building unit tests in jasmine based on examples I've seen with AngularJS. The examples, such as this unit test in the Angular PhoneCat tutorial, use the global form of 'use strict'. However, ...
drs's user avatar
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How to get rid of use-strict warning when using webpack and jshint-loader?

I have a webpack project wired with the jshint-loader which is defined like so: postLoaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'jshint-loader'...
Yoni Dabush's user avatar
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JSHint Function Is Not Defined

I am trying to write better Javascript / JQuery code and I set up JSHint with my Grunt. Now I have gone though my code and its seems to be ok, without using 'strict'. I have split my code into many ...
user4458505's user avatar
8 votes
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Does "use strict" offer any speed improvements? [duplicate]

Leaving aside possible differences stemming from code structure changes to conform with "use strict";, does running code in strict mode offer any speed benefits?
Etheryte's user avatar
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