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Questions tagged [user-interface]

User Interface (UI) is the system through which people interact with a computer. This tag can be used for UI-related programming questions. Note that there's a separate Stack Exchange site for User Interfaces, Interactions with the Computer and User Experience design:

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Not a valid function in Taipy

I have this code block: from taipy.gui import Gui, notify import taipy.gui.builder as tgb import pandas as pd import os def read_data(filepath_or_url): try: if os.path.isfile(...
Akash sharma's user avatar
-2 votes
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why cv::waitKey(x) is not closing frame after x seconds?

#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> #include <string> int main() { std::string path = "wallpaperflare.jpg"; cv::Mat img = cv::imread(...
Indu's user avatar
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1 answer

Controls going invisible when changing background color of canvas in WinUI 3

I've recently started to use WinUI 3 and have an issue with changing the backcolor of a canvas. Coming from WPF, I was used that simply changing the Background property works. This however, results in ...
Seeloewen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Adding margin to the panel inside a JScrollPane

I have a panel with a BoxLayout layout and I want this panel to have a scrollbar, so I made a JScrollPane. But when I use JScrollPane, the emptyBorder that I add is not added to my panel JPanel panel =...
BaRiBoD's user avatar
1 vote
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Light Grey looks Greenish in Flutter

As you can see in the two image provided, light grey looks greenish despite reading a value of #F6F6F6 , then it looks normal after changing the scaffold background to White. Are Flutter Widgets ...
Ali Waseem's user avatar
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XamarinForms background color

For a long time I have been trying to change the color of the background, but not the background of the application itself, but the background that is located behind the clock and the battery charge. ...
Nazar Bilyi's user avatar
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how to fix this Error: qrc:/main.qml: No such file or directory

I'm developing a very basic QML GUI for a C++ project, but I'm having trouble adding file URLs to the program. I've tried using absolute paths, ./path, and ../path, but none of them work. Whenever I ...
Pouya Tavakoli's user avatar
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How do I NOT apply a fill in SwiftUI [duplicate]

Normally, I call several object modifiers .fill and .stroke to apply specific details to a path. curObj.path(in: CGRect( origin: .zero, size: geometry.size )) .fill(curObj.drawInfo.fillColor ?? ....
Keith's user avatar
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How to Invoke complete CLI onto the GUI Output text Box using C# (.NET Framework)

I Have done CLI invoking to my program, by these lines of codes Invoke((Action)(() => textBoxOutput.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + e.Data))) I am getting output on my GUI Output text Box, But it ...
Varun R's user avatar
-2 votes
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Problem importing qt Designer widgets into Python [closed]

I used qt designer to design my user interface. From kled widgets (I think it's kde extension probably called kf5) and some other things. Now, when I converted the .ui file to .py for use, Python ...
Jafar Farganlooj's user avatar
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Add custom text in native call notification in react native callkeep

React native call keep shows the native notification when receiving a call it has the name of the caller and some text like Incoming call via. Is there any way where we can customise the text. I just ...
Irfan wani's user avatar
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Sweep gradient circular progress bar in jetpack compose

I want to create a circular progress bar with a gradient like this using jetpack compose I tried to do it using the Brush.sweepGradient however, it didn't work correctly as the start angle of the ...
Shady Abdulmunim's user avatar
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Python Tkinter universal “Back” button

I currently have a GUI with a “Return Home” button, which is three lines: def “funcX”(self): self.pagey.pack_forget() self.home.pack() Which will “forget” Page Y and re-create Home. But I don’...
csc's user avatar
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Artifactory OSS error: Checksum input stream calculator does not support mark

I am attempting to setup artifactory in ECS using a dockerfile. Version: Open source license 7.9.2 rev 70902900 undefined I have it up and running, I created a generic repo through the ui. As a test I ...
Jason Parmar's user avatar
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3 answers

Dynamically Color SVG Polygons with JavaScript

I’m parsing some data that contains a list of points that define a polygon and an integer indicating what class the polygon belongs to. I would like to make each class a different color but I don’t ...
Brian Holestine's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tailwind CSS: Different Font Sizes for Laptop and Tablet

I'm working on a React project where I need to display different font sizes for specific elements depending on whether the user is on a tablet or a laptop. Here is a simplified version of my component:...
said al hendi's user avatar
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How to open a new frame when I clicked a button? Is my code a “bad” code? Java GUI Swing

I’m making a frame with numerous buttons inside. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getActionCommand().equals("Change Name")){ changeNameGUI.setVisible(true); ...
VVV's user avatar
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How to get device size in main function (without context) flutter

I`m trying to get the device size to choose if the device orientation will be landscapeLeft and landscapeRight, or any. The problem is, the only way i found was using context, how can i get it in main ...
Emerson Oliveira's user avatar
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How to ensure only one instance of a Tkinter executable Python script is running?

I'm developing a Tkinter-based GUI application in Python, and after converting it to an executable using tools like PyInstaller or pytoexe, I encountered an issue where launching the executable ...
JosephMoraila's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails - How do I access the HTTP status code in my ERB view?

Suppose I have a controller which sometimes renders the view normally, and sometimes renders the view with HTTP status code 409. How do change what is displayed in the view based on the status code? I....
Jimmy Li's user avatar
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Messing up scaling on UI on Unity

I don't know how to use Scale while securing the position at the same time. I am messing it up. When I would scale up, either it will come out big if I choose Scale Anchor or too small If I use Corner ...
S-ata-N's user avatar
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I added LoadBar in my PySide6 GUI Program but it seems to be going on infinitely

So I added a loading bar for some tasks but it goes on infinitely long while without using it I can get the results in under 10 seconds. So this is my loading bar class which I am using right now ...
Levi's user avatar
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Building a class to apply styling and behavior to targeted tkinter widgets and can't get them to behave together

I wanted a button with a bit more on it's face, a fancy button, and ended up building a FancyButton class that will wrap a "surface" defined by tkinter widgets in a series of frames and ...
Thomas Miller's user avatar
-7 votes
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I have problem with responsive design using tailwindcss [closed]

I have a problem with responsive design using tailwindcss I have full HD laptop and 2k monitor, I did build responsive design for both screens but the problem is I have 27" 2k monitor which I use ...
ahmed ahmedx's user avatar
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How to replace icon in instance of a component in Figma?

Requirement: I used same icons for the navigation items at the beginning of the time but after creating the Figma design I want to change and use specific icons for the specific item. Problem: I am ...
Ujjwal Batra's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't we import 'pyautogui' into google colaboratory?

I'm new to python and I have some issues importing a few modules on google colaboratory which include gui. After giving the command : !pip install pyautogui, colab installs it without any error but ...
Hania Asim's user avatar
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2 answers

Streamlit live plot prevents other elements from rendering

I have made a toy example of a streamlit plot that shows live data as follows import streamlit as st from random import random from time import sleep data = [] with st.empty(): while True: ...
Cnoob's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I navigate thru a Python list of (image) file names to show images with Next and Back controls [closed]

I'm using the following code to develop a list of the images in a specific folder. I'd like to then use the list to display the images and be able to go back or forward as needed. Is there any way to ...
MountainMan's user avatar
-1 votes
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paintMethod not working as intended. Draw method will never call even when manually tried [duplicate]

I am just trying to get the paintComponent method from the LocateMap class to run. currently it never runs. I am trying to draw a set number of images within a jpanel based on the dimensions given ...
Bmcar 4scopes's user avatar
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Creating a button with an image in but the button hitbox is too large

I'm creating an app with custom tkinter and when I add the image and change the width and height of the button I get this horrible hitbox. How can I make it match the image? import customtkinter as ...
Anosk's user avatar
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Cornered Transparency on Panel and image issue

So i have this roundedPanel Component working very good. The corners are smooth as they should be, but that lasts till i set an image as background: above looks as it should but if i add an image to ...
BuLsONc4's user avatar
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Flutter UI Freezes Despite Using compute for Decryption Function

I'm facing an issue with a decryption function in my Flutter app. I've moved the decryption logic to a top-level function and used compute to offload the heavy computation to a separate isolate. ...
Sufyan Kamil's user avatar
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Custom Curve in Flutter

I am developing an App using flutter and came across a custom curve like structure and I have no Idea how to create one. I am sharing a screenshot for the same. I did some research and found that it ...
Gourish's user avatar
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Simple UI that references other scripts [closed]

I have 3 relatively complex scripts that all make up part of a UI. I want to avoid combining them all into a single script, because even though this works, it's difficult to read and navigate. I would ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to set the default colour of a PyQtGraph ImageView's Histogram LUT?

PyQtGraph's ImageView widget includes a histogram with: a moveable region that defines dark and light levels. as well as the ability to edit a colour gradient. These two features allow users to edit/...
Kyle F. Hartzenberg's user avatar
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why my SwiftData Query freeze the ui , how to solve?

I wrote a simple Home view that uses a LazyVGrid to display all my playlists. The playlists are queried using SwiftData‘s @Query, but I have no idea why the UI freezes. There is only one playlist in ...
Damiano Miazzi's user avatar
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Changing Background Color of Window in Gtk4

I'm using glade to design an application for a gtk4 program. I convert the xml code that's gtk3 into gtk4 code because glade isn't ported into gtk4. I tried connecting the window that I want to have ...
Ryan Casey's user avatar
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Tkinter Disable Not Disabling

I have created a TKinter application that calculates the offsets and ratios that map robot plane to camera cordinate in pixels. I have several features that require the control of the robot via ...
Hunter's user avatar
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Android Studio Hiding Important Buttons

I am using Android Studio with the new UI (Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1, windows 11). Just switched from Jellyfish (old UI). After many hours of bewilderment, I have discovered that buttons are ...
SMBiggs's user avatar
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How to Implement Continuous State Switching with Spacebar in ncurses?

So i made this project called the Hassan Doodles which is just like my own version of Google Doodles but it didn't turn out how i wanted it as it failed to run the function Here is the code #include &...
Hamza Mohamud's user avatar
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UI freeze when I press on the toolbar button

why in my home view the UI freeze after I press few times on one of the menu buttons. nothing special on my home, is quite simple, can't find what is wrong. Sometime after one press sometime after few ...
Damiano Miazzi's user avatar
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Restrict Kivy FileChooserListView to use double-click to open folder

I'm using Python's Kivy FileChooserListView in a popup, and I want it to require you to double click a folder to open it more like in Windows, but I cannot figure out how to do it. The problem is that ...
Shadow0144's user avatar
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How do I get OpenCV to work? The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Cocoa support [closed]

I can't use the OpenCV command like cv2.imshow or cv2.imread to display an image, and it's giving me the error below. error Traceback (most recent call last) Cell ...
John Obedience's user avatar
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How to avoid outer border and modify outer layout of Form using @rjsf/core

I am using Form of @rjsf/core library. Imported the two lib need to be used. import Form from '@rjsf/core'; import validator from '@rjsf/validator-ajv8'; And using the same as per documentation as ...
Taiyab's user avatar
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How to scale down the entire UI content to fit in a preview area in Jetpack Compose?

I'm implementing a theme chooser screen for my app. The idea is to provide various themes that the user can choose from and show previews of two screens so that the user can see how the theme will ...
Argus Waikhom's user avatar
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Id Card Reader is not adding the texts in their labels

So, I am working on an id reader app using python and kivy and opencv and easyocr, the reads is nice but I want to put the reads in their label like the name in the name label and the national id ...
Ali Kabil's user avatar
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Resizing an image selected by the user using values taken from a combobox

In the project, I am trying to take an image from the user using a file directory, resize it with the value selected from the combobox, and show the resized version in the application, but only the ...
Anka Hanım's user avatar
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Robot.createScreenCapture always captures non-convolved image

I'm currently writing a code that does simple image processing. In my code, pressing various buttons on the screen does convolution and/or manipulates each pixel's rgb values to show different effects,...
qoguswo's user avatar
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Icon-only JButtons layering the icon of the most recently clicked JButton when clicked [duplicate]

I'm using java swing components to build up a goofy, very simple RPG java app, and I've run into this weird behavior where when I click on a JButton, it duplicates the icon of JButtons I've pressed ...
Scott Warner's user avatar
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Flutter UI rendering problem when I loaded the page

I am developing a flutter app and on this app I am getting a rendering problem which is thin sliding purple line before cards(which holds events) being created. Same problem happens when I `toogled ...
Traceyy's user avatar

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