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Questions tagged [versioning]

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.

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How to include version information in a C++ project? [closed]

I wrote a C++ static library, and I want to add version information for it in a designated header. I'm working with C++14. I'm contemplating on multiple approaches: Adding it as macros: #pragma once ...
lielb's user avatar
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For an ASP.NET WEB FORMS web application, check if the web server has the latest version for any specific aspx/ascx pages on any redundant web server

Our team works in a project where the customer manually deploys (copy/paste) the updated release we provide (ascx, aspx, dll, etc.) for the ASP.NET WEB FORMS web application we are developing. ...
Roger's user avatar
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NestJS versioning on sub-paths

I want to create a NestJS api that has paths like /service-one/v1/* and /service-two/v1/* where the URI versioning should be after the service name. The versions from /service-one and /service-two ...
Bennet's user avatar
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Where to store versions of a project in Gitlab

Currently working on a gitlab pipeline project. The project itself will build artefacts and can't be done from gitlab. The orchestration however of the artefacts I can handle. I can't use the out of ...
Dirk's user avatar
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How to define versioning strategy of software product including several modules with its own version?

Our software team has released software product several customers(B2B) continuously. Software product includes several children modules(8EA) like below. S/W Product: ㄴ Module A: ㄴ ...
Younghun Jung's user avatar
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How many codelines can be defined in this system?

I have a question about codelines and baselines as I'm struggling to understand everything. I just want to know how many possible codelines exists for this system and what are they? system version ...
Benjamin Peljto's user avatar
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How to handle SPA application reload to fetch current deployed version over firebase in react.js?

I am facing a problem where my application needs to do a hard refresh in order to reflect new changes after deploying latest version. Went through multiple ways in order to solve this such as service ...
Satvinder pal singh's user avatar
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Semantic Versioning - pre release

I have latest release version ex. v1.6.0 (master) then I create new prerelease and it automatically creates pre release + tag v1.6.0-develop.1 (develop branch) the problem is that in github releases ...
Thomas's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure DevOps automatic versioning when it comes to feature branches

This is the way I'm doing my versioning right now variables: major: '1' minor: '1' revision: $[counter(variables['minor'], 1)] # This will get reset every time minor gets bumped. ${{ if eq( ...
Luis Angel Urena Lopez's user avatar
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How to keep history of data for displaying on dashboard based on selected range of date

im building an dashboard and trying to figure out on how to go about storing and displaying historical data. I read about the audit table being in place to track change. But how do we go about display ...
Micky Singh's user avatar
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Git error message There is no -F option ("less --help" for help)

git version Windows 10 Enterprise I have recently experienced a weird behaviour with my git installation. Suddenly i got git not recognised as external or internal command when keying ...
secuaz's user avatar
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GIT-Extensions: how to set "origin" branch on a previous value?

I have a "dev" branch, local as well as remote (origin), and I would like to set the remote branch on a previous commit: Current situation (GIT-extensions screenshot): I would like the &...
Dominique's user avatar
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How to get my application to update when a new version is detected within my repository on github?

Background For my job, I have made a windows .exe which is a python pyqt5 application that my analysts can use for their work. What I am trying to do is set up a workflow with the help of git that ...
LeeKLikesToCode's user avatar
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Multi repo development flow in .NET vs Java/Maven

I'm used to the Java/Maven development flow where if I have two projects in two different repositories, with project A depends on project B, I can set the dependency of A to the SNAPSHOT version of B. ...
Nicola Ambrosetti's user avatar
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Managing Helm Chart Versions for Multiple Environments

Here's the docker, helm, and environment setup: Docker images for both integration and release branches an umbrella helm chart for all of our microservices dev, test, and prod environments For dev, ...
Andy Truman's user avatar
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Invalid Nuget Package Version in CI/CD

We are getting the following error when trying to publish our package after successfully building it. /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.204/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.GenerateAssemblyInfo....
Rama Rahul's user avatar
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When using npm install, get `is not in this registry` on dependency which was unpublished and then re-published with same version

On my company's Nexus there was a dependency with version xyz, I had previously installed this version on my computer. Today that specific version was deleted and then re-published with same xyz ...
drmartini's user avatar
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Azure functions app .net zip deployment versioning

I'm looking for some standard way to track which version of my .net app (assembly version?) is deployed in my azure functions app. The deployment method is ZIP and the .NET in-process model is used. I'...
axk's user avatar
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How to compare Word docs versions directly inside Azure Devops without having to download both versions locally?

For my internship, I need to find an efficient way to compare docs like you would with code versions, directly inside azure devops if possible. Converting Word to Markdown could also be a solution but ...
Fonofu's user avatar
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Maven artifact version convention for non numeric characters

I was looking through artifact version for JAX WS RI Runtime and saw the following two versions: 4.0.0-M1 and 4.0.0 The are additional 4.0.0-M 1through 4. Does the -M* denote a minor version? I tried ...
 RichardFeynman's user avatar
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Finding all available versions of a NuGet package within a specific version range

I'm looking for a method to retrieve a list of all available versions of a NuGet package that fall within a specific version range, similar to the functionality provided by npm view packageName@"...
Petra Stamou's user avatar
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Flutter - How to get the build number of the app?

I understand the usage of package_info_plus package and I am able to get the version number correctly. The issue here is that the Build number of our application is decided by Github Runner on release ...
Vasudev's user avatar
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Django drf-yasg API versions switch from drop down

Is there a way to show available API versions in drop down using drf_yasg without overwriting the template? I checked their docs but seems like i have to use versionized URL to see different version ...
Faizan AlHassan's user avatar
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Sharing dependency version with NPM workspaces in monorepo

We switched to NPM workspaces to share source code. Works fine. We want to go further and utilize NPM workspaces to share dependencies. Like every WEB app in monorepo should be built with Next.js v14....
gavenkoa's user avatar
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Versioning C# projects with visual studio

Recently I got assigned to a new project and now have to create a new version of said project. Unfortunately I don't quite understand how this works in visual studio. This is the structure in the ...
GoldNova's user avatar
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How to implement js and css versioning in hybris based project via wro4j

I am very new to hybris and there is a need to implement js and css versioning. please show some light here. I really do not know how to do it Want to do achieve like this your-project/css/styles.css?...
Arjun Singh's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does the Haskell PVP describe new functions as non-breaking?

Let's say I have the following code module A where x :: Int x = 5 module Main where import A import Lib main :: IO () main = print (x + y) and in an external library module Lib ...
Janus Troelsen's user avatar
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How to update version in package.json using calendar versioning

Our intern project use calendar versioning for our angular typescript project managed with npm. For example the version 2024.02.19.0 is for the first version of 19 february 2024. However if I run npm ...
Jean Bouvattier's user avatar
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Develop a service mesh solution that enables developers deploy and test multiple code versions

I have a situation where we deployed apps in PaaS and the environments are limited for non-prod. The environments we have are NP, Staging, SIT, and PROD. Devs will continue to develop and test at ...
Venu Reddy's user avatar
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how to add the property to delete the blob versions after X days in terraform

I want to enable versioning of blobs in storage account and also to delete the versions after 7 days. The blob versioning is enabled using the property "versioning_enabled", But I dont see ...
Onki's user avatar
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Is symbol versioning widely used in linux libraries or is it just used in some specific and rare cases?

I'm quoting the following from the popular book "The Linux programming interface" by Michael Kerrisk related to symbol versioning : "This technique provides an alternative to the ...
alessio solari's user avatar
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Relocate bookmarks.xml file to maintain Sourcetree bookmarks throughout several machines (Windows)

Is there a Sourcetree configuration file somewhere in "C:\Users\User123\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree" where I could configure the path where the file "bookmarks.xml" is ...
user12409404_rM's user avatar
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If a parent entity is SCD type 4 with a history table, should the child entities (one-to-many) also have a history table?

Lets say we have an entity recipe (id, version, other_stuff) with a child entity ingredient (recipe_id, recipe_version, other_stuff). Any recipe can have multiple ingredients, and ingredients can only ...
Henry's user avatar
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How to make a dynamic Relationship with versioning in SQL?

I don't really know how to name what I'm trying to do, so I better explain it with a concrete case. I have tree tables : Product, ProductionReport and CommercialReference. A CommercialReference have ...
fvandemert's user avatar
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Package management - list of common version named tags? - E.g., "latest", "lts"

I am building/wrapping a large number of package managers and am thinking about what to accept for the version string. Here is what I've got so far: latest lts stable beta nightly trunk master fixed ...
Samuel Marks's user avatar
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Increase version number with each git commit

I would like to automate assigning version number with each git commit, according to major.minor.patch scheme. For instance, start with commit version 1.0.0. The next commit will be version 1.0.1, and ...
joseph's user avatar
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Set precision of the version in a WiX v4 generated msi

Setting the version in the package tag of the package.wxs file as <Package ... Version=""/> truncates the unnecessary 0s. That is in the control panel, the version displayed ...
Anish Kacham's user avatar
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What can be reason for different Version and Build in Xcode 15.0.1 and on Appstore

I just uploaded an app to Appstore, in Xcode (15.0.1) Archive Organizer it is showing Correct Versions, but when check on Appstore it is showing different version number. Any idea what could be the ...
Anand's user avatar
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Getting an error on the build server after attempting to upgrade packages in the solution

A number of the nuget packages in a solution I have are out of date, so I went through them one by one and updated them to the latest version or nearest. After building and testing the solution I ...
Username_null's user avatar
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Application Version Number Upgrade Indicator

What I want to ask is simple, but I'm not sure if there is a general rule that applies to this. So for example I have an application whose current version is 1.1.1. So, when should I upgrade to 1.1.2? ...
Muhammad Faisal's user avatar
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How to test if a Json "contains" another Json in C# [duplicate]

Let's say I have 2 Jsons: Json1 { "a": 1, "b": { "b1": 21, } } Json2 { "a": 1, "b": { "b1": 21, ...
orirab's user avatar
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Create Child records for a parent record

I have a db table as given below: parentId Quantity 1 100 I need to achieve CRUD operations to create child records so that sum of child record quantity should be max the parent quantity childId ...
Mulafar P's user avatar
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Does Oracle database hold history of previous database versions

I need to know if there is a way of querying within Oracle database to find out how the database versions have changed over time e.g. when my organisation shifted from Oracle 12C to Oracle 19C and so ...
SeanGaff's user avatar
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Check changes from WooCommerce version 8.2.2 to 8.3.1

Recently our plugin faces some issues on WooCommerce version 8.3.1, but it is working properly now. We have decreased the WooCommerce version to 8.2.2 and resolve the old errors, but now new problems ...
Nymul Islam Moon's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 7 Web API Swagger UI / Swashbuckle versioning issue route related

I have versioned my Swagger UI successfully in a .NET 7 test project (starting at versions 3/4), but when I applied this methodology to an existing project, I started to get inconsistent behaviour. I ...
Mikesplace's user avatar
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Azure DevOps automatic versioning of .Net maui Application

I'm currently building an Azure DevOps pipeline to automatically deploy my .NET Maui application to the Google Play Store. The building, signing and publishing part already works. but now I'd like to ...
Mathias Peene's user avatar
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How to add Product Version greater than 4 integer value in exe files?

I am trying to add Product Version using nuitka command nuitka --standalone .\ --product-name="pname" --company-name="cname" --product-version="2.1.1....
Anjan's user avatar
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Implementation of Optimistic Locking in Database Updates

I have a requirement in my application where before updating a record in db I want to be sure that record isn't updated by another user. I know how to implement optimistic locking by having a version ...
Manish's user avatar
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Versioning with url in ASP.NET Core - problem with multiple matching endpoints

I am making v2 of my API. In v1 I had version in URL, so it was api/v1/something. Now I'm adding second version of API and decided to use Asp.Versioning.Mvc. So currently my controller looks like this:...
Filip Tobiasz's user avatar
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Java- gathering versions from pom with ArtifactVersionCollector

I have an application with submodules in java configured in IntellIJ (java ones are unnamed). Each submodule has its own pom in his base folder (compile works fine). My goal is to have this function ...
DDS's user avatar
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