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Questions tagged [visibility]

Visibility is an attribute of an object. It may refer to the concept of having something visible (or not) on the graphical interface, or a symbol visibility in linkage. This tag should not be used in place of the more specific tags [memory-visibility] or [class-visibility].

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-1 votes
0 answers

my iphone mobile hotspot is not visible on my windows computer (used to be)

My mobile hotspot is turned on my iphone 11 but not showing in list of networks available on my Dell windows computer. It used to show up. How can I find it? I turned PC and phone on and off and tried ...
Whitey Jane's user avatar
0 votes
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Error in {task 1 failed - [readValues] cannot read values in R doParallel "foreach"

I am trying to speed up an intervisibility calculation between landscape viewpoints (X, Y, height), using a rasterprofile and line of sight functions over a digital elevation model. I ran a large-...
Adela's user avatar
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1 answer

C# When I open Panel first time it doesnt trigger VisibilityChanged WinForms

I have a UserPanel class that has Controls in it buttons,Labels ect. When the Panel is created at runtime it passes to the Constructor of Form1 (this) so I can use some methods and I have a ...
Yordan Voyvode's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

CSS Display None or Visibility Isn't Working

I have a list of links that are horizontal on the homepage of my site. However, while making the site responsive once the screen gets too small, like for mobile devices I want to change it to where ...
Aishah91's user avatar
1 vote
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Cypress testing issue: Cart modal not visible

I'm forwarding the code containing the exemplary working steps, finishing with clicking the Add to Basket button. Steps after that should consider that a cart modal appears, and Cypress should click ...
No Tools No Craft's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Component not visible after using "setVisible(true)" on it and its parent

I've got a Java 8 app with a couple of JTextFields and a JButton to log into a database and a JTextArea inside a JScrollPane to display errors. Both the textarea and the scrollpane have to be hidden (...
Neph's user avatar
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Bazel cc_binary uses as deps attr a cc_library comming from another repo however not using it

I am new in Bazel and trying to build a cc_binary with cc_library from another repository. Lets assume we have two repos: repA repB in repA: -uart.c -uart.h -BUILD the content of BUILD is ...
Pavel Permyakov's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

VB.NET Button Method not setting Visibility to True

In VB.NET Button click event I am unable to set Visible = true. In all examples in the code below the Control visible property is set to False although the code is setting it to True? Does anyone ...
dibello.4's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple instance of a Service - SQS consumer

I have a Service called DataProcessService which is deployed with multiple instances in the service for scaling. The DataProcessService has SQS consumer which receives a message from the SQS topic, ...
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How can I change the visibility of a relativelayout in RecyclerView inside Another activity

How can I change the visibility of this relativelayout progressBarRelativeLayout in this RecyclerViewAdopter inside another activity package; import android.content.Context; ...
Carl 's user avatar
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0 answers

CRTP Member Visibility

I am trying to better understand C++ class member visibility as it pertains to the CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern). I should note that I understand the use of CRTP and its "compile ...
nick2225's user avatar
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0 answers

Detect browser out of focus

I want to detect when the browser goes out of focus. More specifically, here is my case: I have my page opened and when I change the tab, it can be detected using visibilitychange. But when I go to ...
Diganta Kr Banik's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How do I hide an entire HTML page, but make the page still renders and still exist?

I'm making an extension to hide the ChromeOS bookshelf by displaying a completely hidden tab, so the device would register a window being drawn, but the user could not interact or notice it. This is ...
grumpyman1's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Issue WPF Datagrid maybe bug?

I am generating a datagrid dynamically and the only problem I have is that it creates an extra row at the end, it is something visual because when I delete by code the last row continues to appear. &...
Aismel's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP Error: Cannot access private property

I have a class like this: class Session { private Session_Database $db; public function __construct(){ // Instantiate new Database object $this->db = new Session_Database();...
tvanc's user avatar
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1 answer

SSRS Hide Columns Based on Time Expression

I have a 2 sheet report and want SSRS to hide columns from sheet1 and sheet2 based on the time of day. Steps and Issue: I added an expression to hide columns and data in sheet2. If the report runs ...
CerK's user avatar
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Unity setactive() not working because of object name

So I have a sort of item system in my game and it opens a savefile to see what items the player has at the time, when it loads it enables and disables objects based on the savefile information. Which ...
Bryan's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Dynamically Hiding Empty Sections of List in SwiftUI

I have a dynamic SwiftUI List that populates utilizing an enum for States. Then it cycles through my dictionary of data looking for a state match to display data. All of this works perfectly. What I ...
You Can Do It Duffy Moon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Override HTML element visibility controlled by a <details> tag

I wanted to make an element inside a <details> tag be visible even if the <details> tag is not open using CSS styles. I tried using visibility, display, position, modifying the <details&...
MfyDev's user avatar
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How to remove symbols directly from a dynamic library binary(.so)? [duplicate]

I have a dynamic 3rd party library that has bunch of symbols from libc++ exposed. When I put everything together I have an ODR violation, half of my std::basic_string is from one lib, one is from ...
yrHeTateJlb's user avatar
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1 answer

I'm trying to make this a randomly visible and clickable small link button. How can I make this work?

I'm building a church website and I'm new to coding so I don't fully understand pseudocode, but here's what I have right now: css: @keyframes offsetFix { 0% (background-color: #ffffff;) 90% (...
CryptoMynd's user avatar
0 votes
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Feeds List having text, image and video with auto Play/Pause on Scroll in Flutter

I want to Implement a Feeds List like Facebook in Flutter. The feed list can have text, images, and video on each item. The text and images are working perfectly. The important thing is, I want to ...
Mohsin Naqvi's user avatar
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0 answers

how to add a toggle for visibility in theme my login WP plugin

I would really like to add a checkbox or an eye icon to toggle password visibility on the Theme My Login registration and login forms on (not live yet). I read responses in another ...
Elisabeth's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to make a child widget added in a slot visible?

The following code: #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QtCharts> #include <QChartView> #include <QBarSet> #include <QBarSeries> ...
tristanceleazer's user avatar
3 votes
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Visibility Hidden Safari Bug

I would like to use visibility along with translate to control which content to show to the user. As the user tabs through the navigation, therefore, the content below is transitioned via translateX() ...
Nick's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - how do I report on test case iterations (parameters)

Our team are using parameters in test cases to reflect multiple iterations of tests using different data sets. For example - my test suite contains 4 tests. Test A - contains 23 iterations. Test B - ...
user22686883's user avatar
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How to fix VisibilityDetector fast scroll bug?

When I scroll through the news, print is triggered as soon as the card is fully visible. However, if I scroll through the news quickly, causing the scroll to continue by inertia until it reaches the ...
Bounty hunter's user avatar
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How to only add layers on map but prevent to request rendering (visible false is not working)

I'm facing an issue for several days now. I have an OpenLayers map with several WMS image or tile layers. Most of them are set to "visible=false", and they are indeed hidden on the map. But ...
JCB's user avatar
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2 answers

Flutter, how do I display Bluetooth device names in a Flutter app?

I'm currently working on a Flutter application that requires connecting to Bluetooth devices. I'm using the flutter_blue package to handle the connection. My issue is that I'm unable to display the ...
KABORE Nematou's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

How can I fix warning that Class 'Shape' is exposed outside its defined visibility scope?

I made function 'warn' in line 17 whose parameter is enum Shape. Why is it warning about visibility scope and how can I fix it? import java.util.Scanner; public class AreaCalculator { enum Shape ...
hong's user avatar
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0 answers

How to keep a hidden element visible after going to another page and returning?

I'm making a birthday card website for my dad. There are five buttons you can click to reveal different popups. Once all the buttons have been clicked, a hidden link to a photo gallery appears. In ...
kamp's user avatar
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React Component delete button not displaying correctly based on ownership

Problem Description: I'm encountering an issue in my React application where a delete button should only be visible to the owner of an item, but it's not working as expected. Here's the problem in ...
Adrian's user avatar
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page elements transitioning to visibility when they appear on screen in sveltekit

I have a webpage where I have some buttons that I want to appear as the user scrolls down the page. My problem is effectively two-fold. First of all, as I have shown below, I need to work out when the ...
Michael Williams's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is my class not visible outside the file? [closed]

I have 2 PHP files as part of a website. The first one has the API functions (pre made ready to use requests), and the other one has the code itself that will call the functions from the first one. ...
Mohammad Ayaad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The solution on how to wait for element to be visible in Shadow DOM

Currently there is no out of box solution in the Robot Framework libraries on how to wait until the element is visible on the page in shadow DOM. I came up with one approach. Perhaps it will be useful ...
Igor Bosyi's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Not able to override default timeout while using explicit wait mechanism in cypress

I am using cypress-wait-until plugin to apply explicit wait in our framework. When I use it and maximum time given is say 30000 milliseconds, so ideally it should wait maximum 300000 ms (30 seconds) ...
Deepak's user avatar
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2 answers

Visibility widget do not change ui | Flutter

Hi i have myWidget and i pass the focusNode var to it from EditPopUpParent() class, when i am focusing TextField value of focusNode.hasFocus is changing and i can see it by printing it out by ...
Malak's user avatar
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Apexcharts does not work with style visibility display = ‘none’

I have a simple web application using plain html/css/js (no framework). I have implemented a tabbed pane where the implementation is based on css turning visibility.display on/off. In one of the panes ...
user1486064's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does Visual Studio need both `dllimport` and `dllexport` while GCC achieves the same thing with one keyword `visibility("hidden")`?

The following is a common pattern in cross-platform libraries that are compiled as shared libraries with default visibility hidden: #if defined _WIN32 #ifdef BUILDING_DLL #define DLL_PUBLIC ...
mastov's user avatar
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Visibility of an iframe for example H captcha frame through selenium python

So what I want is to detect the visibility of an iframe which is h captcha and so far I can detect the element through find element but when try to do it through EC visibility it isn't able to detect ...
creep dude's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Calendar View show/gone inside Recyclerview ViewHolder Issue on Android 8, 9 only

I have a recyclerview with 2 or more viewholders, 1st Viewholder is just top heading banner 2nd vlewholder is for booking widget which has 3 dropdowns/detail menus including CalendarView -- All in ...
Nadeem Iqbal's user avatar
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2 answers

Hidden button not appearing under specified conditions

I have a small game and when all hearts are lost, a reset button should appear. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not showing up. I rewrote it 3 times, wondering if it was how I was ...
breanne1209's user avatar
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Make icons visible regardless of absolute positioning

I am new to HTML and CSS. I want the black and blue shape to be able to stay inside of the red shape as it is now and the icons to be visible over the red shape. #leftnav { background-color: #...
South's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Inconsistent behavior of SABT widget when changing scroll direction in Flutter

If I scroll down, the collapsed app bar becomes visible and the first child is also visible. That's good. However, if I suddenly change the scrolling direction to up, even though the app bar is still ...
gaith's user avatar
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1 answer

How to strip local symbols with a version script

I am compiling a shared ELF library with GCC using -Wl,--version-script=version.script MYLIB_1.0 { global: the_only_symbol_i_want; local: *; }; This does as advertised; ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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How do I use a JDK class that isn't visible to me?

I am new to Java so please bear with me. I am trying to use the JDK class "". When I compile my code, I get the following error: "...
gcworker44's user avatar
2 votes
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Template, visibility, static attribute and shared libraries

The question is about the static attribut of an instanciation of a template class when used by a shared library and by an executable. The test contains a few classes: PoolObject (the template class), ...
Nitro's user avatar
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Writing to a volatile field and reading another volatile field: Is the happens-before-rule valid?

Question: Is this statement true: „A write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that or another volatile field.“ On How to understand happens-before consistent I found the ...
dibo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to hide one button on click on another button

I have two button one is show and another is hide. When i clicked on show button that time hide button design should be change and when i click on hide button when hide button come from old design ...
nitish chauhan's user avatar
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Rust visibility from child module to outside

I'm learning about Rust, and trying to figure out the visibility rules for modules. I have the following code: fn x() -> u8 { 5 } struct Person { name: String, } mod example { use ...
DACUS's user avatar
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