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Questions tagged [visual-studio]

Use this tag if you have a specific question about Visual Studio features and functionality. DO NOT use this tag on questions regarding code which merely happened to be written in Visual Studio. Consider tagging the exact technology area your question links to and also tagging a more specific version of Visual Studio. Please mention your exact VS version, edition, and update level in your question. DO NOT use this tag on questions regarding VS Code.

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Visual Studio Code is down [closed]

My operating system is macOS Big Sur Version 11.7.10 I don't know what happened but since 3-4 days ago "Visual Studio Code" stopped working on my system! This is so weird, I haven't ...
Abdul Hossein Charkhi's user avatar
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undefined reference to `WinMain@16' : Mingw error while compiling

This is the problem code. Please help!! #include<stdio.h> int mainn() { printf("Hello World"); return 0; } Tried fixing from yt videos but they suggest to save the file ...
Aritra pal's user avatar
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Report Viewer Task not giving option to choose Reports in Visual basic 2022 VB.NET

Error While installing newer version of Reporting Service Winform( warn : NU1701: Package 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.Winforms 150.1652.0' was ...
SUBHAN UL HAQ's user avatar
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VS2022 doesn't check to see if a method already exists?

I have a large project in VS2022 and have split the code into multiple .cs files for readability. When in the designer, if I want to quickly get to an element's method, I'll doubleclick the text here: ...
CocoaMix86's user avatar
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Why is this problem of Unity collision count happening?

I'm counting down the collisionCount to get button out if I crash three times. However, the collisionCount is not counted properly, so it continues to be counted as 1. I'm asking questions because I ...
jin ichi's user avatar
-1 votes
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unable to use vscode for java development after updating to 1.91.1

I use JDK 11 and after updating vs code to 1.91.1 the java extensions stopped working for jdk-11 I have tried updating the configuration, but it's still not working. when i try to run a java program ...
Kalyan's user avatar
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ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _cext: Le module spécifié est introuvable

I write this import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = [1, 2, 3, 4] y = [10, 20, 25, 30] plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('X-axis') plt.ylabel('Y-axis') plt.title('Simple Plot') But an issue has ...
PC Imane's user avatar
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MFC Support in Visual Studio

I have a VC++ 6.0 application that looks rather dated and doesn't build on anything later than Windows 7. I'm worried that MFC will not be supported moving forward as I upgrade to newer versions of ...
Mike's user avatar
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Issue with visual studio code and node

Today i try to learn react js but i face a issue.In my vs code i cant install npx create-react-app todoapp .It saw a error like this ($ npx create-react-app cc '"node"' is not ...
Misthah Kp's user avatar
3 votes
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No UWP workload available in Visual Studio 2022 Installer

I'm struggling with finding the UWP template in my Visual Studio 2022 Community version 17.10.4. I've installed the program with default settings and then wanted to install the 'Universal Windows ...
ZirexXx's user avatar
  • 33
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How do I do horizontal and vertical ScrollBar at the same time? In Visual Studio on MFC C++

The download button opens the Documents folder and you select an image from the documents. The "Show" button displays horizontal scrolling and an image. If the dialog box is larger than the ...
Med's user avatar
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-3 votes
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pytorch : ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed [closed]

I am trying to deploy the Instantmesh project on windows. I download the source from Instantmesh's github and complete environment according to the README instructions. but when I run,an ...
user26342251's user avatar
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Visual Studio failing to create/setup Node.js project, says its a problem with

I am trying to create a Node.js console application with Visual Studio, but every time I click the "create" button it gives me the following error: SDK Resolver Failure: "The SDK ...
JemmaFromJupiter's user avatar
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How to add solution and project .vcxproj files to cloned repo with multiple projects and no Visual Studio (Community Edition) files

I created a repository using Visual Studio and Git and made a remote repository for it. The way it's structured is the repository (the root), three directories that are for a project each within the ...
Pythagoreanism's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disable Spell check on VS 2022 for a specific file location?

I'm getting thousands of spelling errors for a decompiled bit of code in AppData... not even code in my actual source code... Does anyone know how to exclude the spell checker spamming me like crazy? ...
bob123123123123's user avatar
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Unity - how do I use one child gameObject, out of lots, as a trigger to make them all invisible?

I'm currently making a small game, and one mechanic I'm working on is being able press a "plant flower" button, which triggers all the boxes, showing where you can plant it. Then you click ...
Tiny Designs's user avatar
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Building (CLEAN) Godot 3.2.3 for 32 bit windows raises bugs

area_bullet.cpp C:\Users\Ren\Desktop\godot-3.2.3-stable\core/vector.h(66): error C2719: 'p_elem': formal parameter with requested alignment of 16 won't be aligned c:\users\ren\desktop\godot-3.2.3-...
Oosuke Ren's user avatar
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Can I distribute iOS apps with .NET MAUI using Visual Studio for Windows after August 31, 2024?

I am seeking clarification regarding the ability to distribute iOS apps using .NET MAUI after August 31, 2024, given that Visual Studio for Mac will no longer be available. Specifically, I want to ...
Andrea Salvatore's user avatar
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How to fix C# Warning CA1416 in UWP using Visual Studio

I have a project with min version Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17763) and I get thousands of warnings: This call site is reachable on all platforms. 'ValueSet.this[string]' is only supported ...
steam3d's user avatar
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Jenkins devenv build not finishing because next command starts

I've been trying to setup a Jenkins build machine that uses Visual Studio 2010 building tool to build a C++ app. The build stops a minute after it started and Jenkins goes ahead with the next command. ...
simeone.lettiero_w's user avatar
-2 votes
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please can someone help me iout with this please

i having been having this error with expo lately this is the error message i keep on receiving ERROR Invariant Violation: Your JavaScript code tried to access a native module that doesn't exist. d If ...
hyzeal achungha's user avatar
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how to change font size in visual studio git copilot

I'm having trouble with the font size in Visual Studio Git Copilot. The text is very hard to read due to its small size. Could anyone provide guidance on how to change the font size in Git Copilot ...
Mr.B's user avatar
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LNK1104 cannot open file 'P7x64.dll.lib' [closed]

I've been given a project that uses external libraries, but it didn't come with them. I fixed a few issues, but now I've encountered an error. The program uses the Baical P7 library, but I can't ...
Tiffany's user avatar
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UE5 C++ build fails when creating character

I'm trying to learn how to create c++ class and use them for blueprint. For AGameModeBase and AGameStateBase, it worked well. But when I create c++ file whose parent is ACharacter, editor fails to ...
lanthanide's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using old platform toolset "v60" in Visual Studio 2022

I have to work on a very old project that was originally built with Visual Studio 6.0. Today it's impossible to install VS 60 on Windows 10 or 11 so I tried to import the project on VS 2022. This can'...
michele allara's user avatar
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Migration not adding, Screen hangs after "Build succeeded" message in Visual Studio

I'm encountering an issue in Visual Studio where, after a successful build, the screen hangs and I'm unable to add migrations. The specific steps I'm taking are as follows: I initiate a build process ...
Azim Kazi's user avatar
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Two different ideas - two different problems. Transparent background works = Click support does not work. How to merge these two ideas?

In the approach below, everything works fine, the logic is processed well by the program, but... It loads my images "with background". The "board" image is displayed, followed by ...
Layla98's user avatar
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How to customize output file extension as "*.cp39-win_amd64.pyd" when creating a pybind11 python module with VS?

I'm trying to create a Pybind11 Python module (exactly a .dll file) called CAVSim with Visual Studio 2022. I can simply make VS output a file named CAVSim.pyd by configuring Advanced-Target File ...
LibrarristShalinward's user avatar
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Getting error for COM excel when trying to build project in Visual Studio

Using Bitbucket as remote repo. Created a Https token in bitbucket When trying to clone using Visual Studio it asked for username and password. I provided with my username and for password gave the ...
sriram srinivasan's user avatar
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Invoke `Diff.NextDifference` command with keyboard shortcut while in Text Editor

From the docs Difference Viewer: context specific shortcuts The shortcuts specific to this context are: Next difference F8 Diff.NextDifference. Can I achieve this with a macro? I want to use the ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
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MSBuild detect if signed driver is same as previous built non-signed driver (prevent re-signing via caching)

My organization has a driver that now needs to be signed by both our organization and by Microsoft. We have a build process that runs on windows as a batch file, it runs msbuild for all of the ...
applecider's user avatar
8 votes
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How to hide implementation details in C++ modules?

I am new to C++ modules. I am using Visual Studio 2022. Let's say I am creating a DLL, and I don't want my users to see implementation details of my class. How can I achieve this in C++ modules? ...
suresh kumar's user avatar
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Using Precompiled header within my library project

I have been studying Game engine project and at some point, the guide introduces precompiled header file. So my pch.h includes some of frequently used C++ standard library, STL and my almost non-...
atai's user avatar
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VS 2022 fails when solution is on Google Drive

VS Community 2022 17.10.3, a tiny console project (One file console app and one DLL with just an empty class skeleton). The project worked. Now, I use Google Drive as my working drive. All of my ...
Avi's user avatar
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Git code reviews in Visual Studio 2022 without merging?

I am used to TFVC and I am trying to get to grips with Git in Visual Studio 2022 17.10.3. In TFVC you could create a code review request before check-in, on pending changes in your local workspace, or ...
Polyfun's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Visual Studio 2022 (C++) - Intellisense Not Finding Include Files

Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.10.2 Visual C++ 2022 Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2 I have a VS2022 solution that uses an #include file from a folder outside. The file is not directly included in the ...
James Hulsey's user avatar
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local publish profile does not recognize $("SolutionDir"), when publish in Visual Studio

In my solution I have many projects. In each project I have a publish profile "local.pubxml" inside "/properties/PublishProfiles". In this publish profile I want to import a file &...
Reza.Hoque's user avatar
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Openpace compiling in Windows fail

I want to install openpace from Ive installeg openssl 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 in C:\Program Files\OpenSSL with sucksess! Im ...
Mariusz Groblica's user avatar
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How can I pass variable values ​from one method of a class to another method of a class?

I have several classes including DBConnect and LoginForm. In LoginForm, the btnLogin_Click method loads data correctly. However, when I try to pass it to the OpenConnection method in the DBConnect ...
Layla98's user avatar
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How to tell Visual Studio to stop showing me a vulnerability message?

One of the later versions of Visual Studio started showing vulnerability messages. I looked at the issue - high CPU in certain cases. It doesn't affect my use case. How do I get Visual Studio to ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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WinUI 3 default template not working when using publish

Im playing around with Winui3 for my next app. I created a default project from the Blank app, Packaged (winui3 in desktop) template in visual studio 2022. When i run the application inside visual ...
Toby's user avatar
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Error CVT1108 cannot open RES....tmp for writing intermittently appearing on DevOps pipeline

I have a pipeline building my C# application using Visual Studio 2019. Occasionally when building the solution, I get the following error. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\...
komodosp's user avatar
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mpi cluster debugger

I am trying to debug an MPI application using Intel MPI and Fortran in Visual Studio 2019. When I press F5 to start debugging, it does not work. There is no MPI CLUSTER DEBUGGER in Debugging > ...
Davit Injgia's user avatar
2 votes
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.Net Core C# is wrongly removing an import that is used in other environments

I have in a controller the following code to allow in the local environment not to use a token to authenticate, while in production environment a JWT token is necessary for authentication: The "...
Alberto Camino's user avatar
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Trouble with Visual Studio test explorer in C# solution with multiple .NET versions

We have run into some trouble with unit tests for one of our products. I will give some context. We develop plug-ins for Autodesk products, which have started to use .NET 8 as of this year. Because we ...
Steve_CAD's user avatar
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System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral,

I am trying to connect Topsolid Cad software to Visual studio using API, When I run the code I am geeting error System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel, ...
Akash Bhandigare's user avatar
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MAUI .NET 8 on Android -Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3'

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. When I tried to run the project with the Android device in Visual Studio 2022 (windows), which threw the exception ...
Anitha v's user avatar
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Create a new keystore in Visual Studio and connect it to an existing App in my Google Play Console

We had a change with developers and a switch of machines. Now it seams that we lost the connection (certificate/password) to our PlayStore. What I did: I started an created a new keystore in Visual ...
xMRi's user avatar
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Avoid "newlining" while working with XAML in Visual Studio

In my XAML, I have some components where I like to avoid too many newlines, like this label: <Label x:Name="xLabel_ActualLevelName1" Grid.Row="1" BorderBrush="Black" ...
Dominique's user avatar
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when downloading vscode it doesnt allow me to click agree to the terms and condition in vscode and i dont know why, in the pop up installer

when downloading vscode it doesnt let me accept the terms and conditions, like clicking agree to the terms and conditions doesnt do anything, like it doesnt let me click it. i have had vscode 3 days ...
Israel Barrios's user avatar

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