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Questions tagged [war]

Web Application Archive - Is a JAR file used to distribute JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries and static Web pages (HTML and related files) that together constitute a Web application.

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589 votes
16 answers

Difference between jar and war in Java

What is the difference between a .jar and a .war file? Is it only the file extension or is there something more?
helpermethod's user avatar
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371 votes
13 answers

How to deploy a war file in Tomcat 7

I have copied the sample.war file into the webapps directory of Tomcat, and I can access localhost:8080. Now how will Tomcat deploy it, I mean do I need to open it in browser? How can I access the ...
user avatar
352 votes
23 answers

"webxml attribute is required" error in Maven

I am getting the following error: Error assembling WAR: webxml attribute is required (or pre-existing WEB-INF/web.xml if executing in update mode) I have got web.xml in right place which is ...
user617966's user avatar
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215 votes
5 answers

What is WEB-INF used for in a Java EE web application?

I'm working on a Java EE web application with the following source code directory structure: src/main/java <-- multiple packages containing Java classes src/test/java ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
152 votes
6 answers

IntelliJ and WAR....changed files are not automatically recognized by server

I am running Intellij Ultimate with Tomcat and deploy a war. Everything deploys fine to the webapp directory of tomcat. When I change a file like an xhtml file, is there a way for tomcat to ...
Peter's user avatar
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146 votes
18 answers

How to start jenkins on different port rather than 8080 using command prompt in Windows?

I have jenkins.war and I started it from command prompt in Windows as: java -jar jenkins.war It was started well and easily browsed as http://localhost:8080 I want to start on 9090 port. How can I ...
user avatar
112 votes
15 answers

Oracle JDBC ojdbc6 Jar as a Maven Dependency

I cannot seem to get Maven to bundle the ojdbc6.jar file into my project's war file. I have it working within the POM file when specifying a dependency directly for Hibernate tools. But it won't get ...
Marvo's user avatar
  • 18k
110 votes
15 answers

Update Jenkins from a war file

I have a machine with Ubuntu 12.04 and have installed Jenkins ver. 1.424.6 using apt-get based on *this guide*, but there is a new version: New version of Jenkins (1.447.2) is available for download (...
u123's user avatar
  • 16.1k
108 votes
6 answers

Linux command for extracting war file?

How can I extract a .war file with Linux command prompt?
ammar's user avatar
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102 votes
3 answers

How do I update a Tomcat webapp without restarting the entire service?

I'm new to Tomcat. We have a dev machine with about 5 apps running. Even though it's dev, it's used by our clients pretty heavily during testing. So say we need to make one small change on one ...
cbmeeks's user avatar
  • 11.4k
97 votes
13 answers

How to create war files

What are the best practices of creating war files (using eclipse) to run on tomcat? tutorials, links, examples are highly appreciated.
user avatar
97 votes
12 answers

How do I run a class in a WAR from the command line?

I have a Java class which has a main and I used to run as a standalone app from the command line e.g. java -jar myjar.jar params I needed to repackage the code to run under apache and all my code, ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 80.1k
93 votes
1 answer

Advice deploying war files vs executable jar with embedded container

There seems to be a current trend in java space to move away from deploying java web applications to a java servlet container (or application server) in the form of a war file (or ear file) and ...
Brice Roncace's user avatar
86 votes
5 answers

Maven WAR dependency

I am writing a project for acceptance testing and for various reasons this is dependent on another project which is packaged as a WAR. I have managed to unpack the WAR using the maven-dependency-...
deelo55's user avatar
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75 votes
7 answers

In Maven, how output the classpath being used?

For my current purposes I have a Maven project which creates a war file, and I want to see what actual classpath it is using when creating the war. Is there a way to do that in a single command -- ...
Alexander Bird's user avatar
71 votes
9 answers

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

I have a web program where I want the user to be able to import a .war file and I can extract certain files out of the .war file. I have found two class libraries:* and java.util.jar.*...
user972276's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

Advantages/Disadvantages to exploded WAR files

An answer to a question I read today suggested deploying an application as an exploded (unzipped) WAR. It got me thinking. Every deployment I've ever done to a JBoss/Tomcat has been with a a WAR/EAR ...
Kevin D's user avatar
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65 votes
14 answers

Appending files to a zip file with Java

I am currently extracting the contents of a war file and then adding some new files to the directory structure and then creating a new war file. This is all done programatically from Java - but I am ...
Grouchal's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

Deploying Java webapp to Tomcat 8 running in Docker container

I am pretty new to Tomcat and Docker - so I am probably missing a Tomcat fundamental somewhere in this question. What I am trying to do is build a Docker container that runs a SpringBoot Restful web ...
Chris's user avatar
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61 votes
7 answers

Differences between jar and war in Spring Boot?

I'm about to build my first website in Java with Spring Framework using Spring Boot and it's much easier to build it in jar, but I have a few questions about it. What are the differences in general? ...
Hama Saadwn's user avatar
57 votes
8 answers

How to unpackage and repackage a WAR file

I have a WAR file. I would like to open it, edit an XML file, remove some jars and then re-package it. I used WINRAR to open the WAR file and I removed some Jars and did an 'Add to Archive' in WinRar ...
Vinoth Kumar C M's user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

How To Integrate Clojure Web Applications in Apache

Note Given this OP was written about two years ago, rather than ask the same question again, I am wondering if step-by-step instructions exist, so that I can integrate a Noir or other Clojure web ...
futlib's user avatar
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52 votes
9 answers

Executable war file that starts jetty without maven

I'm trying to make an "executable" war file (java -jar myWarFile.war) that will start up a Jetty webserver that hosts the webapp contained in the WAR file I executed. I found a page that described ...
twilbrand's user avatar
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50 votes
6 answers

Java EE Containers vs Web Containers

I'm relatively new to Java EE/EJB, and I've been reading a lot regarding Java EE containers. I've had experience working with a web container (WAR file in JBoss). I am also aware that JBoss can also ...
mel3kings's user avatar
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47 votes
1 answer

How to make war file in Eclipse [duplicate]

What is the easy way to make war file? My project is working when i right click run on server, but i want to deploy on tomcat server. I have installed m2clipse but it gave me an error. Is maven ...
user avatar
47 votes
5 answers

Jetty Run War Using only command line

Is it possible to use only the command line to Run jetty with only a specified war file and Context Path. Something like : java -jar $jettyHome/start.jar -Dwar.location=myApp.war -DcontextPath=/...
gbegley's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

deploying multiple applications to Tomcat

I want to deploy two applications foo.war and bar.war to the same Tomcat instance. Is it possible for them to listen for connections on different ports, e.g. foo listens on port 81 and bar listens on ...
Dónal's user avatar
  • 186k
43 votes
7 answers

Unable to find a javac compiler

I am trying to package my web application into war file using Ant. When I build, I am getting the following error: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\workspace\Assignment7\build.xml:67: Unable ...
Sarin Jacob Sunny's user avatar
41 votes
8 answers

How to deploy war file to tomcat using command prompt?

I have created a war file and put into tomcat/webapps. How to deploy a war file to tomcat using command prompt?
user3607853's user avatar
41 votes
2 answers

Why spring boot generates jar or war file with .original extension?

Why after building spring boot app, it generates two jar or war files with .original extension? I use spring boot maven build plugin. For example: application.jar application.jar.original
Tohid Makari's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Does Tomcat require Apache httpd?

If I am given a war file that contains a Java web application, and I want to run that war locally, then do I just need Tomcat, or do I need Tomcat and Apache httpd (or any other web server)? Thanks in ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
  • 56.5k
36 votes
3 answers

In maven - how to rename the output .war file based on the name of the profile in use

I have three profiles in my pom.xml for our application... dev (for use on a developer's) qa (for use on our internal qa server) prod (production). When we run our maven build all three profiles ...
benstpierre's user avatar
  • 33.3k
36 votes
5 answers

How can I store Java EE configuration parameters outside of an EAR or WAR?

I want to store configuration for a web project outside of the web project (ear/war file). The application shouldn't know in which container it's running (WebSphere/JBoss etc.). What is the best way ...
Martin K.'s user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

What is .apt_generated folder in Web project?

What and why .apt_generated folder is created inside the Web Project within Eclipse or RAD workspace?
user1195192's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

spring-boot without parent pom.xml cannot generate war packaging

I used the example gs-convert-jar-to-war provided by spring-io. It describes how to generate war packaging within a spring boot project. The spring-boot documentation allows for using own parent ...
Matthias Berg's user avatar
32 votes
6 answers

Tomcat not autodeploying war file

I followed the following steps Shutdown Tomcat Deployed a war file with a timestamp of 1st December Start Tomcat - This created the exploded directory for the deployed war file. Stop Tomcat Updated ...
ziggy's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

UnsupportedClassVersionError unsupported major.minor version 51.0 unable to load class [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: a (Unsupporte d major.minor version 51.0) i have developed an web application in java using jdk ...
Nishit Jain's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Jboss 7 war deployment failed

Jboss 7 war deployment failed and i got the below error message in the log. ERROR [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS015052: Did not receive a response to ...
Radan's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Deploy Spring Boot to Tomcat

So I am new to Spring - so I thought I would try Spring Boot I am using a Maven to build - I set up a view requests, when I run it as "App" looks like it starts tomcat up itself and i have a service ...
philthomas26's user avatar
30 votes
5 answers

spring boot war without tomcat embedded

I want to create a war file without embedded tomcat with maven. Here the relevant part of my pom ... <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>...
niels's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

How to setup angular 4 inside a maven based java war project

I'm becoming a bit crazy because I can't find a guide to setup an angular 4 app inside a java war project that will be built with maven. This is because I want to run it into a wildfly server. Any ...
Giamma's user avatar
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28 votes
8 answers

"Module name is invalid" when exporting an existing eclipse project to a war file

I am trying to export an existing Eclipse project to a war file. But whatever I typed in the "WAR Export" dialog page, the system always returned "Module name is invalid". I do not know how to fix ...
bit-question's user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

Separating war application name from war file name

Currently if i deploy a war file on tomcat named say myapp.war, I can access its url by http://localhost/myapp/MyServlet. However what I want is to deploy a war with a version number in the war file ...
pdeva's user avatar
  • 44.8k
27 votes
5 answers

what is the right path to refer a jar file in jpa persistence.xml in a web app?

persistence.xml looks like this: <persistence-unit name="testPU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider> <non-...
Bobo's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

How to make maven place all jars common to wars inside the same EAR to EAR root?

We have a solution with numerous wars. Wars are similar in the sense they all use hibernate and spring. This means that we have a number of same jars inside each war. This is becoming a problem, ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 11.1k
26 votes
8 answers

create a .war file from gwt-project

How do I create a .war-file from my gwt-project in eclipse?
derp's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Deploy WAR or "fat" JAR?

I'm noticing a lot of projects (DropWizard, Grails, etc.) starting to embrace the notion of a "fat" JAR (using an embedded web server like Jetty or Tomcat) vs. the traditional WAR deploy. Both methods ...
AdjustingForInflation's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Where to add .ebextensions in a WAR?

Scenario: AWS Elastic Beanstalk Java application .ebextensions currently placed in src/main/resources/.ebextensions Commands are not being executed. Where is the .ebextensions supposed to go in a ...
flavian's user avatar
  • 28.4k
25 votes
1 answer

Gradle: 'dependsOn' to task in other subproject

I have a hierarchical gradle 3.1 project, which looks like this: root - build.gradle - settings.gradle - server (Java + WAR plugin) - build.gradle - client (Node plugin) ...
Martin Häusler's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

How to allow Tomcat WAR app to write in folder

I'd like for my webapp which is deployed as a war ROOT.war to have write access to /var/www/html/static/images so that it can write uploaded and converted images to that folder so nginx can serve it ...
aardbol's user avatar
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