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Questions tagged [watchman]

Questions about the file watching service from Facebook

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617 votes
37 answers

React Native Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached

I have setup a new blank react native app. After installing few node modules I got this error. Running application on PGN518. internal/fs/watchers.js:173 throw error; ^ Error: ENOSPC: System ...
Badis Merabet's user avatar
78 votes
19 answers

Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler

Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler. Usually this happens when watchman isn't running. Create an empty .watchmanconfig file in your project's root folder or initialize a git or ...
Mandar Belkunde's user avatar
47 votes
1 answer

How to fix `error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel'`?

I try to install watchman on Ubuntu 20.04.01: guettli@yoga15:~/tmp$ python3 -m venv pywatchman-test guettli@yoga15:~/tmp$ cd pywatchman-test guettli@yoga15:~/tmp/pywatchman-test$ . bin/activate (...
guettli's user avatar
  • 27.7k
40 votes
8 answers

Can't use Watchman: "Operation not permitted"

Since updating Watchman recently (with Homebrew) I can no longer use it to watch projects. I get { "version": "2022.05.30.00", "error": "std::__1::...
orome's user avatar
  • 47.6k
40 votes
10 answers

How to install Watchman on Windows (win10)?

I am trying to install Watchman to my computer for npm for React Native. I opened the docs and can't understand how it should be done. Could you ...
pto3's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

what is the use of watchman for react native?

Can anybody describe clearly what the use of watchman available in npm library? ----Details I found--- npm - npm is the largest NodeJS package manager NodeJS - Server-side Javascript runtime ...
Lakshitha Kanchana's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Can't find "Python.h" file while installing Watchman

I use Linux Mint 17 'Quiana' and I want to install Watchman to use later Ember.js. Here were my steps: $ git clone then $ cd watchman $ ./ $ ./...
AlexNikolaev94's user avatar
23 votes
10 answers

Error when running watchman

When I run react-native start, I am getting the following message Error: A non-recoverable condition has triggered. Watchman needs your help! The triggering condition was at timestamp=1489123194: ...
Geethu Jose's user avatar
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22 votes
14 answers

Why "Watchman crawl failed" error in react-native immediately after updating to macOS catalina?

Trying to run react-native run-ios or build RN project from xcode, as soon as metro bundler starts, this error appears in the terminal: Loading dependency graph...jest-haste-map: Watchman crawl ...
Jim's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Serving Firebase Functions doesn't hot reload on Windows

Serving Firebase Functions locally with the firebase serve command is supposed to enable hot reloading but this doesn't seem to work on windows, even with watchman installed. Is there a better ...
galki's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

React Native STUCK starting packager

For some reason when I want to start my React Native project, it's stucks at 'Starting Packager...' part. I tried to delete the node packages, and reinstall them, intall them via yarn, npm, but no ...
Istvan Orban's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How to install facebook watchman on ubuntu?

I got watchman from github link, then I got watchman folder and tried this ./ ./ 9: ./ aclocal: not found ./ 10:...
Thor Samsberg's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

warning: Watchman `watch-project` returned a warning: Recrawled this watch X times, most recently because

warning: Watchman `watch-project` returned a warning: Recrawled this watch 11 times, most recently because: MustScanSubDirs UserDroppedTo resolve, please review the information on https://facebook....
Can Poyrazoğlu's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Can't link pcre thru brew in max os yosemite

When I install watchman using brew install watchman, it got this Error: You must brew link pcre before watchman can be installed. So I try brew link pcre and brew link --overwrite pcre, I just got ...
Tom's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Homebrew Permissions for Watchman on Multi-user Mac

I have two users on my Macbook Pro running macOS Mojave 10.14.2 - one for work and one for personal. I set up React Native on both users installing the react native cli & watchman: brew install ...
yevg's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

jest-haste-map: Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler

I just found an error while running the metro of react native it came after upgrading the os the error was jest-haste-map: Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node crawler. Usually this ...
Dongjae0324's user avatar
10 votes
10 answers

Hot Reload not working in react-native android

I tried it on windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04. In both cases the Hot Reload only works with changes in jsx, but not, when I change a variabel or function or something else in javascript. The Hot Reload is ...
fricko's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Watchpack Error (watcher): Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached

This morning when running npm start, I get the error: System limit for number of file watchers reached Because /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches has returned to its initial value (8192) (How to ...
No Name's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Wrong version of Watchman. Version found: 2021.09.06.00 Version supported: 4.x

After expo eject I run npx @react-native-community/cli doctor It shows ✖ Watchman - Used for watching changes in the filesystem when in development mode Version found: 2021.09.06.00 Version supported:...
Dimitry's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Watchman Error with ember-cli

I am trying to follow the examples in Ember 101. I have worked through this code once before without any issue. After reinstalling my ubuntu 14.04 for unrelated reasons I am getting an error [see ...
user3330833's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

react native ios build take long time

React native project I build in Xcode, always stuck on "Running 2 of 4 custom shell script" and take nearly 5 min to continue. After that the bundling process in react packager also take very long ...
FeelRightz's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

watchman.plist permission denied when running a react-native initial project

I'm start using react-native and I followed the tutorials on the website, but when running the example project, it returned some error messages on the terminal: Looking for JS files in /Users/...
Kent Yang's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

React Native `npm start` with watchman error

I was first getting this issue: Then I followed this solution to resolve for that issue:
Simar's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Do I need to keep .watchmanconfig file in react-native project

default react native project generates .watchmanconfig file that is simply empty object {}, can I safely delete this? A subquestion would be: is there any watchman configuration I can do / refference ...
Ilja's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Error when starting watchman

hi when i want to start my app with 'react-native start', i get this error. Somebody know what to do? I tried to change the permission of the watchman folder and the project folder to chmod -R 777 '...
otto's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

watchman warning in react native app running through expo

While running react native app using expo, I am getting this warning on watchman. watchman warning: opendir(/Users/saashwath/Library/Caches/CloudKit/ -> Operation not permitted. ...
Saashwath Amudhan's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to watch react-native node_modules changes

When I run react-native start or npm start the packager starts and prompts to be Looking for JS files in /Users/map/repos/myrepo/ I've got Hot reloading enabled. When I change a file located within /...
maraujop's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Configuring watchman in ember-cli

In my ember-cli app, .watchman config file, I've mentioned what directories to ignore while watching, like "ignore_dirs": ["tmp"]. Now I want to watch files in a directory which is outside my app ...
Sathyanarayanan Ganesan's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Watcher took too long time to load(NodeWatcher) - React Native

I am trying to run already built application in my mobile. When i start the app with "react-native start" code, it returns the following error message after some time ERROR Watcher took too long to ...
viji's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

ember cli could not find watchman on ubuntu, there is only solution for mac not for ubuntu

ember -v version: 2.3.0 Could not start watchman; falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events. Visit for more info. node: 5.0.0 os: linux x64 ...
Ayon Saha's user avatar
  • 477
7 votes
0 answers

How can I resolve "Unable to talk to your watchman" errors

I created an issue with Facebook/react-native a couple of days ago, but I have yet to receive a response. In order to try to get me up and running I'm going to ask here as well. issue link I checked ...
Chris Jarvi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

FSEvents error when running create-react-native-app tests

I am getting the following errors when running yarn run test on a create-react-native-app: $ yarn run test yarn run v1.0.1 $ node node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --watch 2017-09-13 14:53 node[2839] (...
Le Moi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I direct output of watchman trigger to terminal on OS X instead of watchman log file

I am using the following line to watch a directory and run a script on changes: watchman -- trigger my_directory runTransitionChecker '*' -- ruby ./my_script.rb Everything works as I expect except ...
shaheenery's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

cli : unable to talk to your watchman

I am new to React Native and I am trying to set up my development environment on Windows 8.1 as described in the official documentation. But I have a problem Steps : react-native init ...
Fayçal Borsali's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Watchman keep crashing when I developing react-native

OS:macOS 10.12.6 node -v 6.9.0 npm -v 3.10.8 watchman -v 4.9.0 installed via brew create-react-native-app --version:1.0. As I found, watchman fails to work after I change several files, although it ...
吴环宇's user avatar
  • 347
6 votes
0 answers

Expo watchman Hot reloading not detecting code change in Docker volume

We are currently building a react-native app with expo inside a Docker container. This Expo-app uses watchman to handle hot reloading. Is there a polling mechanism which constantly polls the code in ...
Christophe's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

React-native Fast Refresh broken

recently my Fast Refresh stopped working across ALL of my react native projects, I have even tried init-ing a new project and it is not working there too I have tried all the attempts below: -. ...
Zennichimaro's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

React-Native Failed to build DependencyGraph: Watchman error

I getting this error when I want to run my project on Android emulator. [Hot Module Replacement] Server listening on /hot React packager ready. Failed to build DependencyGraph: Watchman error: ...
ali ajoudanian's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Error received: "unable to resolve root". How to grant access to watchman?

I installed a react-native starter project and when running, it asked to grant permission to watchman to access my system's files. I naively declined, but now I get the following error whenever trying ...
Genetic1989's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Installing watchman when having a non-standard homebrew install

I am using React Native which needs watchman. When running react-native run-ios, I see this error. watchman --no-pretty get-sockname returned with exit code=1, signal=null, stderr= 2017-05-05T08:17:...
developarvin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

watchman: error while loading shared libraries:

I'm on Ubuntu 15.10 and I am developing an Android (SDK 23) app using react-native (0.20.0). I'm using node 5.6.0 and npm 3.6.0. I encountered a watchman error when running react-native start ERROR ...
r.oregan's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

React Native javascript changes not reflecting in ios simulator

I'm building a React Native application, and the javascript code updates are not reflecting in the ios Simulator. I have restarted the development server with react-native start and react-native start ...
Steven Harlow's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Watchman: failed to identify PDU: fill_buffer: EOF

I built a Android APP with React-Native. But when I run react-native run-android I got this error Watchman: failed to identify PDU: fill_buffer: EOF. [3:42:00 PM] <END> Building Dependency ...
Kevin Lee's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Homebrew can't install Watchman: No similarly named formulae found | MacOS Big Sur

Homebrew error screen capture Anybody know why my Homebrew can't install any packages and keep showing this error? I've tried to install watchman but homebrew shows me this error, then I tried to ...
SantanaJo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

ember CLI - "Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events installing"

While using ember CLI, I get this: version: 0.1.5 Could not find watchman, falling back to NodeWatcher for file system events I don't really care if it uses watchman or NodeWatcher ... - but I don't ...
sheriffderek's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot read property 'root' of null React Native iOS

I have been facing this issue since yesterday and am unable to resolve. I have gone through all github issues filed for react native and watchman, none helped to resolve the issue. When I try to ...
NightFury's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

when using Watchman's watch-make I want to access the name of the changed files

I am writing a watchman command with watchman-make and I'm at a loss when trying to access exactly what was changed in the directory. I want to run my script and inside the script I would ...
ellieHoward's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Error watching file for changes: EMFILE" when init a react-native project

I want to init a react-native project, and steps: First react-native init testproject then react-native run-ios Error watching file for changes: EMFILE {"code":"EMFILE","errno":"EMFILE","syscall":"...
Xiaotao Nie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Problems trying to install watchman on xubuntu 22.10 (2 methods used- compling and using deb file)

I'm trying to set up my pc for some android app development with react native. Following the react native docs, installing watchman is recommended: I ...
CapSap's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Installing watchman for Reach Native in Mac OS X Catalina

I'm having trouble getting the latest version of Watchman to install property on Mac OS X Catalina. I am using Homebrew 2.2.1. I get this error when doing a clean install of brew install watchman. ==...
Berry Blue's user avatar
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