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Questions tagged [webdeploy]

The Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) is a command-line tool from Microsoft that is used for synchronizing web site code and content with web servers—and, particularly, IIS. It is also known as Web Deploy, the Web Deployment Tool, and MSDeploy. The name of its command-line executable is msdeploy.exe.

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236 votes
13 answers

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

Visual Studio 2010 has a Publish command that allows you to publish your Web Application Project to a file system location. I'd like to do this on my TeamCity build server, so I need to do it with the ...
jrummell's user avatar
  • 43k
135 votes
13 answers

Getting a 404 from WMSvc via MSDeploy.exe

From Windows 8 to Windows Server 2012 (IIS 8) with Web Management Services installed and working, I can use IIS Manager on W8 box to manage the remote server but I get a 404.7 from WMSvc when I ...
Luke Puplett's user avatar
130 votes
7 answers

How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?

I am testing out using the new web packaging functionality in visual studio 2010 and came across a situation where I use a pre-build event to copy required .dll's into my bin folder that my app relies ...
Jason's user avatar
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126 votes
3 answers

Error: "The configuration section 'system.webServer/management/delegation' cannot be read because it is missing schema

I am trying to publish a website from my computer to an IIS web server via web deploy. I have 3 servers. All servers have installed the same things (Webdeploy etc.) and the services are started (Web ...
lucamuh's user avatar
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107 votes
4 answers

MsDeploy is returning 403 forbidden

We had a Web Application working on an intranet and I'm trying to publish it to the internet using Visual Studio 2010. The destination server is running iis7 and the Web Management Service is running. ...
dcarneiro's user avatar
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96 votes
7 answers

How to get Visual Studio 'Publish' functionality to include files from post build event?

I am currently attempting to use Visual Studio 2010 'Publish' and MSDeploy functionality to handle my web deployment needs but have run into a roadblock with regards to customizing the package ...
brodie's user avatar
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95 votes
5 answers

Using MSBuild.exe to "Publish" a ASP.NET MVC 4 project with the cmd line

I'm looking for a command to run against the MSBuild.exe that just takes a MVC 4 project and publishes it to a given directory. For example, MSBuild <solution>/<project>.csproj -publish ...
Erik5388's user avatar
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91 votes
34 answers

Web deployment task failed. Could not connect...server did not respond

I've been publishing my Lightswitch app using Visual Studio 2012 RC to my localhost (Win 7, SQL 2008 R2, IIS 7.5) just fine. Now I'm trying to publish to a remote server (Win 2008 R2, SQL 2008 R2, IIS ...
embedded.kyle's user avatar
78 votes
8 answers

How can I get TFS2010 to run MSDEPLOY for me through MSBUILD?

There is an excellent PDC talk available here from Vishal Joshi which describes the new MSDEPLOY features in Visual Studio 2010 - as well as how to deploy an application within TFS. (There's also a ...
Simon_Weaver's user avatar
76 votes
7 answers

MSBuild target package not found

I want to package my VS2010 web application project ready for deployment with msdeploy. On development machine I can do this using: MSBuild.exe "C:\path\to\WebApp.csproj" /target:package But on my ...
Andrew Davey's user avatar
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69 votes
8 answers

"Configure Web Deploy" menu missing from IIS 8 menu

I have been trying to setup Web Deploy on my Windows 2012 server running IIS 8. I have installed Web Deploy using Platform installer but when I right click my website and select deploy, there is no ...
webworm's user avatar
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66 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between http://*:80 and http://+:80

In learning about Web Deploy I came across some netsh.exe commands that talk about http://+:80 and http://*:80. What do those mean?
kenwarner's user avatar
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65 votes
8 answers

WebDeploy - Not able to log on the user '.\WDeployConfigWriter'

I have problem with MsDeploy to publish my website to remote IIS from Visual Studio. I encountered the following error: Microsoft.Web.Delegation.DeploymentAuthorizationException: Not able to log ...
Iswanto San's user avatar
  • 18.4k
61 votes
6 answers

Valid Parameters for MSDeploy via MSBuild

I'm trying to deploy a web application using MSDeploy, on Team Build in TFS. There are several questions that address the properties that have to be passed in MSBuild in order to call MSDeploy, but I ...
merthsoft's user avatar
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57 votes
7 answers

Make MSDeploy (Visual Studio) not delete App_Data folder but delete everything else

I'm using Visual Studio's Publish button to deploy my website, and want a different App_Data folder on the server. There's a checkbox for Leave extra files on destination (do not delete) which ...
Rei Miyasaka's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

How to use MsBuild MsDeployPublish to target local file system?

I'm trying to replicate the Visual Studio 2010 "Publish..." command (applicable to Web Application projects) where I would in the UI choose Publish Method: "File System". My attempt at this is... %...
DuckMaestro's user avatar
  • 15.7k
53 votes
13 answers

Visual Studio 2010 Publish Web feature not including all DLLs

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application. Web project contains a reference to SomeProject SomeProject contains references to ExternalAssembly1 and ExternalAssembly2. SomeProject explicitly calls into ...
reustmd's user avatar
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48 votes
3 answers

Publish one web project from solution with msbuild

I'm trying to deploy one of the web projects in my solution to a server. I am using msbuild on TeamCity like so: msbuild MySolution.sln /t:WebSite:Rebuild /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:PublishProfile=Prod ...
Caleb Jares's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

Missing "Import Web Application" option in Web Deploy 3.6

Using Web Deploy 3.6 both on IIS 8.5 (Windows Server 2012 R2) and IIS 7.5 (Windows 7), I cannot find the Deploy -> "Import Web Application" option. The "Export Web Application" is also missing (see ...
Guy Levy's user avatar
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45 votes
6 answers

VS2010 Web Publish command line version of File System deploy

Folks, In a nutshell, I want to replicate this dialog: It's a Visual Studio 2010 ASP.Net MVC project. If I execute this command, I get all the files I want, including the transformed web.configs in ...
CubanX's user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

(MSDeploy) Deploying Contents of a Folder to a Remote IIS Server

Is it possible to deploy the contents of a folder (plain Html files) to a specific web application on a remote IIS6/7 server? The following command does not error, but neither does it publish any ...
Warren's user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

_CopyWebApplication with web.config transformations

I am trying to have my web application automatically Publish when a Release build is performed. I'm doing this using the _CopyWebApplication target. I added the following to my .csproj file: <!--...
Jeremy's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Install webdeploy on W2016 IIS 10

How to install web deploy on IIS 10 W2016? So far I have tried Using web platform v5 to installation of "web deploy 3.6" After installation I have updated the web deploy service to run under local ...
cpoDesign's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

IIS Web Deploy's "Import/Export Application" Action Missing?

I had a working IIS 7.5 with Web Deploy 3.5 configuration such that the "Import/Export Application" feature in the right hand action pane showed up and functioned properly. Unfortunately I had to ...
Eternal Rubyist's user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

Build once and deploy to multiple environments with msdeploy & Visual Studio 2012

Working on centralizing configurations, app settings and connection strings, for multiple solutions, while also switching over to use msdeploy from command line to deploy web apps. Ideally I would ...
What Would Be Cool's user avatar
39 votes
2 answers

How to use command line msbuild to deploy VS2012 Web Site project without precompiling it?

I've inherited a very large VS2012 web site project (not web application) and am trying to automate it's deployment. There are tons of circular references in the project so to get it to precompile ...
Paul Lemke's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

msdeploy (Web Deploy) failing with 401 auth issues

I'm trying to get msdeploy installed and set up. I've installed the remote service on the web server, but all my tests are giving me a 401 unauthorised error. The server is Windows 2008 R2. I'm ...
Matt Roberts's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

Make Web.config transformations work locally

I want to get web.config transformations working locally but apparently the transformations only occur when doing deployments. Does anybody know of a way to run the msbuild target "...
Diego C.'s user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Make sure all *.cshtml files are set to be "Content" for Build Action

A few times when I copy-paste *.cshtml files, Visual Studio for some reason sets Build Action on these files to be "None": This is impossible to detect when you work locally, because the files are ...
trailmax's user avatar
  • 34.9k
38 votes
5 answers

Can MSBuild deploy using integrated authentication or only basic?

I'm deploying a web app package from the MSBuild command line to MSDepSvc on IIS6 which is working fine with the following command using basic authentication: MSBuild.exe Web.csproj /p:...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
  • 20.4k
37 votes
9 answers


We are trying to configure continuous integration with TFS 2012. While queuing a new build, the publish fails with the error: Build FAILED. "C:\src\ProjectName.sln" (default target) (1) -> ...
Alok Dhyani's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Web Deploy from Visual Studio 2012 to a remote IIS 8 server

I have a remote Windows 2012 server running IIS 8 from which I am hosting a web application. My local development box is running Visual Studio 2012. Currently I am publishing my app as a web ...
QFDev's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

MsBuild and MsDeploy with multiple environments

Are there good patterns for mapping solution configurations to environments and using MsDeploy for packaging per environment? Shortest version: Grab this file, and try to change the .msbuild file so ...
Dan Fitch's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Why are some Web.config transforms tokenised into SetParameters.xml and others are not?

I've been using config transforms in VS2010 quite a bit lately but am confused as to why some transforms are applied directly to the Web.config in the package but others are stored against a token in ...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Publish Web Deploy using VS Code

In Visual Studio, I use the "publish web" feature to do some web.config transforms, and publish a WebAPI project to our server. The publishing is done using Web Deploy. Now that I'm using Visual ...
AJ Morris's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

How to add config transformations for a custom config file in Visual Studio?

The project I am working on involves reading a lot of service endpoints (url) from a config file. Since the list would be quite large I decided to keep them in a custom config file to keep my web....
TejSoft's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy

I'm just getting started with the team build functionality and I'm finding the sheer amount of things required to do something pretty simple a bit overwhelming. My setup at the moment is a solution ...
Chris Surfleet's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

How do I configure MSBuild to use a saved publishProfile for WebDeploy?

I have used Visual Studio to create a publish profile. It saved that information to MyProject.Publish.xml, located in the root of my project directory. I would like the MSBuild task that gets ...
Jim Geurts's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Full list of /P MSDeploy arguments for MSBuild from TeamCity

I currently use the MSBuild runner in TeamCity for continuous integration on my local server and this works very well. However, I'm having trouble finding a full list of supported command line ...
Kaine's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

Can the web deploy agent run on a port other than 80 on IIS6?

I've got a bit of a challenge with a Windows 2003 machine where I need to run the web deploy agent on a port which isn't 80. By default, MsDepSvc will expose an endpoint at http://[server]/...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
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30 votes
10 answers

WebDeploy (401) Unauthorized error

I'm getting an unauthorized error from MsDeploy using NTLM authentication when trying to remotely deploy an application using a windows user who is not a local admin on the destination server. I have ...
cfbarbero's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

How do I keep MSDeploy from deleting extra folders in my project?

I am using the MSBuild runner in Team city to build and deploy my project to a staging environment. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that it keeps removing my repository folder located ...
Jeremy Seekamp's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

How do I deploy using MSDeploy in Team Build 2010 using the WMSVC service and NTLM authentication?

I am trying to deploy using Team Build 2010 to a Windows Server 2008 R2 web server. My build server agent is setup to run under a Windows domain account. I have successfully given this domain account ...
Michael McGuire's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

No executable found matching command "dotnet-bundle" during WebDeploy for ASP.NET Core

I am new to ASP.NET and I am trying to publish a web app. I have tried with 2 different hosts to do a web deploy but keep receving the error:- No executable found matching command "dotnet-bundle" ...
Phill Wiggins's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How do I get msdeploy to create App_Data if it doesn't exist, but not delete any contents of the remote directory?

I have an application setup with the following Package/Publish Web settings: Only files needed to run this application (unchecked) Exclude generated debug symbols (checked) Exclude files from the ...
Emil Lerch's user avatar
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