In one of my questions, I was recommended to rebuild my context menu using the new popup-API
that google had introduced in early 2024, and while that sounds cool, it seems like the type of context menu I was creating cannot be created to the level it is at when using the popup-API
, as a matter of fact not much customization can be done with this API. Sure, you can use CSS, but for some of the really advanced stuff you can do with js.. I don't know. As I looked over the blog google posted, and it seems to just make a simple popup when you click a button. I mean, sure... that's cool and all, but I feel bootstrap with popper.js
does a better job at making popups than the new popup-API google has introduced. My main question is, is it worth it to switch over and rebuild everything from scratch to move over for a little extra compatibility, or should we just stick with the old ways of making popups/popovers? (Defining them and creating them from scratch using JS or using bootstrap bundled with popper.js
Why use the new Popup API introduced by google in 2024?
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