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Questions tagged [windows-services]

Windows services are background service processes run by the Service Control Manager on Windows NT based operating systems, similar to daemons or UNIX services.

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756 votes
21 answers

How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

I try to remove a Windows Service with sc delete <service name>, and encounter the following error: [SC] DeleteService FAILED 1072: The specified service has been marked for deletion. ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
625 votes
15 answers

How do I uninstall a Windows service if the files do not exist anymore?

How do I uninstall a .NET Windows Service if the service files do not exist anymore? I installed a .NET Windows Service using InstallUtil. I have since deleted the files but forgot to run InstallUtil ...
Thomas Jespersen's user avatar
584 votes
15 answers

How can I delete a service in Windows?

I have a couple old services that I want to completely uninstall. How can I do this?
sgwill's user avatar
  • 10.3k
476 votes
13 answers

Create Windows service from executable

Is there any quick way to, given an executable file, create a Windows service that, when started, launches it?
German Latorre's user avatar
410 votes
21 answers

Install a Windows service using a Windows command prompt?

I want to install a Windows service using a Windows command prompt (not the Visual Studio command prompt). How do I do this?
Vikash Pandey's user avatar
395 votes
1 answer

"Automatic" vs "Automatic (Delayed start)"

When installing Windows services there are two options for automatically starting a Windows service on Windows startup. One is Automatic, and the other is Automatic (Delayed start). What is the ...
Sachin Kainth's user avatar
357 votes
30 answers

Easier way to debug a Windows service

Is there an easier way to step through the code than to start the service through the Windows Service Control Manager and then attaching the debugger to the thread? It's kind of cumbersome and I'm ...
342 votes
13 answers

Modifying the "Path to executable" of a windows service

I'd like to modify the path to my application, but doing so breaks it because the service still points to the old location. By going to Administrative Tools > Services you can open a properties ...
GenericJon's user avatar
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309 votes
18 answers

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {XXXX} failed due to the following error: 80040154

I developed a Windows service using C#.NET to generate PDF report. To generate PDF file I am using a third party dll. The application is running in my Windows XP platform. When I deployed the service ...
gopal's user avatar
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264 votes
23 answers

The type initializer for 'MyClass' threw an exception

The following is my Windows service code. When I am debugging the code, I am getting the error/ exception: The type initializer for 'CSMessageUtility.CSDetails' threw an exception. using System; ...'s user avatar
  • 4,268
245 votes
4 answers

What are the specific differences between .msi and setup.exe file?

I searched a lot, but all are guessed answers. Help me to find the exact answer.
Babu's user avatar
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242 votes
20 answers

How to create a windows service from java app

I've just inherited a java application that needs to be installed as a service on XP and vista. It's been about 8 years since I've used windows in any form and I've never had to create a service, let ...
241 votes
14 answers

Map a network drive to be used by a service

Suppose some Windows service uses code that wants mapped network drives and no UNC paths. How can I make the drive mapping available to the service's session when the service is started? Logging in as ...
VoidPointer's user avatar
  • 17.7k
230 votes
28 answers

How can I run MongoDB as a Windows service?

How can I set up MongoDB so it can run as a Windows service?
heisthedon's user avatar
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208 votes
2 answers

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

I have an application in C# (2.0 running on XP embedded) that is communicating with a 'watchdog' that is implemented as a Windows Service. When the device boots, this service typically takes some time ...
204 votes
9 answers

Run batch file as a Windows service

In order to run one application, a batch file has to be kicked off (which does things like start Jetty, display live logs, etc). The application will work only if this batch file is running. I am ...
publicRavi's user avatar
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201 votes
20 answers

How to force uninstallation of windows service

I installed a windows service using installUtil.exe. After updating the code I used installUtil.exe again to install the service w/o uninstalling the original version first. When I now try to ...
Manu's user avatar
  • 29k
190 votes
14 answers

When creating a service with sc.exe how to pass in context parameters?

When creating Windows service using: sc create ServiceName binPath= "the path" how can arguments be passed to the Installer class's Context.Parameters collection? My reading of the sc.exe ...
sympatric greg's user avatar
187 votes
7 answers

How to uninstall a Windows Service when there is no executable for it left on the system?

How do I uninstall a Windows Service when there is no executable for it left on the system? I can not run installutil -u since there is not executable left on the system. I can still see an entry for ...
Magnus Lindhe's user avatar
183 votes
11 answers

How do you run CMD.exe under the Local System Account?

I'm currently running Vista and I would like to manually complete the same operations as my Windows Service. Since the Windows Service is running under the Local System Account, I would like to ...
Ben Griswold's user avatar
  • 18.2k
181 votes
15 answers

Check if a Windows service exists and delete in PowerShell

I am currently writing a deployment script that installs a number of Windows services. The services names are versioned, so I want to delete the prior Windows service version as part of the installs ...
Adrian Russell's user avatar
179 votes
7 answers

Elevating process privilege programmatically?

I'm trying to install a service using InstallUtil.exe but invoked through Process.Start. Here's the code: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo (m_strInstallUtil, strExePath); System....
Scott Marlowe's user avatar
174 votes
10 answers

.NET console application as Windows service

I have console application and would like to run it as Windows service. VS2010 has project template which allow to attach console project and build Windows service. I would like to not add separated ...
Tomas's user avatar
  • 17.9k
173 votes
5 answers

How to create an installer for a .net Windows Service using Visual Studio

How do I create an installer for a Windows Service that I have created using Visual Studio?
Kelsey's user avatar
  • 47.6k
167 votes
7 answers

Install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe

I have a standard .NET windows service written in C#. Can it install itself without using InstallUtil? Should I use the service installer class? How should I use it? I want to be able to call the ...
Yuval Peled's user avatar
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154 votes
18 answers

How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

I need to write robust code in .NET to enable a windows service (server 2003) to restart itself. What is the best way to so this? Is there some .NET API to do it?
Ron Harlev's user avatar
  • 16.6k
148 votes
8 answers

Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio

When I create a new Windows Service in Visual Studio 2010, I get the message stating to use InstallUtil and net start to run the service. I have tried the following steps: Create new project File -> ...
jkh's user avatar
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147 votes
9 answers

How to install node.js as windows service?

I have downloaded node.js executable. How can I run that executable as windows service? I cannot use standard node.js installer, since I need to run multiple version of node.js concurrently.
TN.'s user avatar
  • 19.5k
145 votes
8 answers

How do I restart a service on a remote machine in Windows? [closed]

Sometimes while debugging, I need to restart a service on a remote machine. Currently, I'm doing this via Remote Desktop. How can it be done from the command line on my local machine?
Josh Kodroff's user avatar
  • 27.8k
142 votes
8 answers

Start / Stop a Windows Service from a non-Administrator user account

I have a WindowsService named, say, BST. And I need to give a non-Administrator user, UserA, the permissions to Start/Stop this particular service. My service runs on a variety of Windows OS, starting ...
Sach's user avatar
  • 10.3k
129 votes
32 answers

Error 5 : Access Denied when starting windows service

I'm getting this error when I try to start a windows service I've created in C#: My Code so far: private ServiceHost host = null; public RightAccessHost() { InitializeComponent(); } protected ...
TheBoubou's user avatar
  • 19.8k
126 votes
13 answers

Automatically start a Windows Service on install

I have a Windows Service which I install using the InstallUtil.exe. Even though I have set the Startup Method to Automatic, the service does not start when installed, I have to manually open the ...
mickyjtwin's user avatar
  • 4,980
126 votes
11 answers

windows service vs scheduled task

What are the cons and pros of windows services vs scheduled tasks for running a program repeatedly (e.g. every two minutes)?
Manu's user avatar
  • 29k
122 votes
19 answers

System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly (from installutil.exe)

I am trying to install a Windows service using InstallUtil.exe and am getting the error message System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly '{xxx.exe}' or one of its ...
Epaga's user avatar
  • 38.8k
119 votes
15 answers

How to check if a service is running via batch file and start it, if it is not running?

I want to write a batch file that performs the following operations: Check if a service is running If is it running, quit the batch If it is not running, start the service The code samples I ...
citronas's user avatar
  • 19.3k
116 votes
11 answers

(SC) DeleteService FAILED 1072

Last time I create WAS profile and WASService then I try to config and run many script for learn how to config WAS, Finally it crash so i use wasprofile delete this profile and forgot delete ...
Fuangwith S.'s user avatar
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116 votes
11 answers

Windows service on Local Computer started and then stopped error

Usually, I get this error: (The "service name" service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other service or programs) when there's ...
Blackator's user avatar
  • 1,551
108 votes
5 answers

Inno Setup for Windows service?

I have a .Net Windows service. I want to create an installer to install that windows service. Basically, it has to do the following: Pack installutil.exe (Is it required?) Run installutil.exe ...
softwarematter's user avatar
108 votes
6 answers

Best Timer for using in a Windows service

I need to create some windows service which will execute every N period of time. The question is: Which timer control should I use: System.Timers.Timer or System.Threading.Timer one? Does it influence ...
user avatar
105 votes
10 answers

Installing multiple instances of the same windows service on a server

So we've produced a windows service to feed data to our client application and everything is going great. The client has come up with a fun configuration request that requires two instances of this ...
Switters's user avatar
  • 1,563
103 votes
11 answers

How do I create an InstallShield LE project to install a windows service?

I downloaded Visual Studio 2012 yesterday when it was released on MSDN. I have noticed that a few of the project types that we had in 2010 are gone or different. The biggest difference for me right ...
fizch's user avatar
  • 2,609
101 votes
5 answers

What directory does a Windows Service run in?

I've created a very simple .NET Windows Service and installed it using InstallUtil.exe utility. In the service I have a piece of code as such: if (File.Exists("test_file.txt")) { // Do something ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 66.6k
97 votes
33 answers

Error 1053 the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

I have created and installed a service a couple of times. Initially it was working fine, but after some changes in the service Code it start giving the error when I restart the service in Services.msc ...
Neeraj Verma's user avatar
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95 votes
9 answers

Stopping a windows service when the stop option is grayed out

I have created a windows service and in the service in control panel -> administrative tools -> services, its status is starting. I want to stop this service, but the stop option is grayed out. How ...
DotnetSparrow's user avatar
93 votes
6 answers

Windows service start failure: Cannot start service from the command line or debugger [duplicate]

hi i'm getting this error Cannot start service from the command line or debugger. A winwows Service must first be installed(using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer, Windows ...
paxcow's user avatar
  • 1,811
93 votes
4 answers

Install Windows Service with Recovery action to Restart

I'm installing a Windows Service using the ServiceProcessInstaller and ServiceInstaller classes. I've used the ServiceProcessInstaller to set the start type, name, etc. But how do I set the recovery ...
Ray's user avatar
  • 46.3k
92 votes
4 answers

sc.exe how to set up the description for the windows Service?

I am using sc.exe command to install C# windows service. C:Windows\System32> sc.exe Create "TestService1" binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Test\TestService1" DisplayName= "TestWindowsService1" ...
sivaL's user avatar
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89 votes
8 answers

System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security

I am trying to create a Windows Service, but when I try and install it, it rolls back giving me this error: System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event ...
michelle's user avatar
  • 2,787
88 votes
8 answers

How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?

Besides the service.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic my service does not start after installation Solution Inserted this code on my ProjectInstaller protected override void OnAfterInstall(...
Jader Dias's user avatar
  • 89.8k
88 votes
6 answers

How to check if a windows service is installed in C#

I've written a Windows Service that exposes a WCF service to a GUI installed on the same machine. When I run the GUI, if I can't connect to the service, I need to know if it's because the service app ...
Shaul Behr's user avatar
  • 37.7k

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