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SwiftData custom migration crash when CloudKit enabled

I have an app that is in production that has a single entity called CDShift. This is the class: @Model final class CDShift { var identifier: UUID = UUID() var date: Date = Date() ... } ...
Andrea Mario Lufino's user avatar
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Working outside of request context in the FastAPI application unit testing

While converting Flask application to FastAPI, I got following error in unit tests: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /usr/local/python/3.11.7/lib/...
VIPPER's user avatar
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In the implementation of a Terraform Provider, how do I differentiate between an empty string and a null value? [closed]

I am currently working on building a Terraform Provider (doesn't use the Terraform Plugin Framework, instead the legacy SDK terraform-plugin-sdk/v2 v2.26.1) in which I would like to fix a problem I'm ...
Pranav N's user avatar
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Take photo without interruption in flutter

Taking image from camera using image_picker plugin requires one extra step (i.e. Use Photo or Retake). This is affecting user experience a lot when they have to take multiple photos. Is there any ...
Zero Live's user avatar
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AttributeError: xlColumnClustered

My Python code to generate charts from pywin32 in Excel is: def add_chart1(location, sheet, range1, title, left, right, height, width, charttype): pythoncom.CoInitialize() xl = win32.gencache....
Hello World's user avatar
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LazyVGrid and scrollTo issue in SwiftUI

I have encountered an issue while implementing the scrollTo mechanism for a lengthy list of products displayed using LazyVGrid in SwiftUI. Does anyone have a potential solution for this problem? Below ...
Kamajabu's user avatar
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How to mirror VueJS' logo properly in CSS-only?

I'm trying to replicate the VueJS logo with a CSS-only approach, not by importing an SVG or anything. I've use clippy to have some proper clip-path, but still there is no way for me to find the proper ...
kissu's user avatar
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Running Weston in a Docker container

I am currently trying to run a instance of Weston within a Docker container. My system is an Ubuntu 16.04, currently running native Weston with DRI backend (I don't want any X11 dependency). So for ...
japedo's user avatar
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Issue with Spring WebFlux Endpoint not Returning Server-Sent Events (SSE) Data

Description: I am developing a Spring WebFlux application that integrates with a third-party API. This API returns data in the text/event-stream format, specifically for streaming chat messages. I ...
lavantho0508's user avatar
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Understand the flow of ACPI Generic Event Device (GED), Hardware Error Device (HED) and OS handler

In below ASL code, a GED and a HED are defined. My understanding of the flow when an hardware error happens is as below: 1. The firmware part The OSPM subsystem of the OS realizes that interrupts 51 ...
smwikipedia's user avatar
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iOS Simulator Fails to Launch .app File Built with xcodebuild

I'm creating a build to use in UI automation with the following xcodebuild command: xcodebuild -scheme Test-QA \ -project $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/iosApp/Test.xcodeproj \ -sdk iphonesimulator ...
ajw's user avatar
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Why does flask seem to require a redirect after POST?

I have an array of forms I want rendered in a flask blueprint called fans. I am using sqlalchemy to SQLLite during dev to persist the data and flask-wtforms to render. The issue appears to be with ...
dmcgrandle's user avatar
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Keep a Delta Tooltip Fixed on lightweight-charts

I'm using lightweight-charts to display a chart with mock data. I want to set a fixed Delta Tooltip on the chart, preselected on page load, for a given start date and end date that I pass as input. ...
Damiano Dotto's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus 'SendBatchAsync' Method Timing Out in Legacy Web API

Question: I am working on a legacy web API project hosted on Azure App Services. We are using the legacy WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 7.0.1 NuGet package for performing operations on Azure Service Bus. The ...
Pulkit Sharma's user avatar
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How to choose dataset_text_field in SFTTrainer hugging face for my LLM model

Note: Newbie to LLM's Background of my problem I am trying to train a LLM using LLama3 on stackoverflow c langauge dataset. LLm - meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B Dataset - Mxode/StackOverflow-QA-C-Language-...
Bhargav - Retarded Skills's user avatar
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How to Synchronize Animations of Multiple Rows in Jetpack Compose?

I'm working on a Jetpack Compose application where I have multiple rows of components that I want to animate simultaneously. The animation in the first row(scale) is different from the second row(...
Akhil's user avatar
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How to provide fresh instance of Mikro ORM entity manager into repositories during testing?

I am trying to test my command handler which has multiple repositories injected into it. When running the test I am getting the following error: ValidationError: Using global EntityManager instance ...
z0mbieKale's user avatar
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Password failed with special Characters in Puppet

Open question, have anyone ever faced issue failing of login for password with special characters in puppet for example : password postgres user - ]htXXXXUyzJ5]yj!C it's not accepting 12:58 ~# pp ...
JYOTI RAJAI's user avatar
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How do I rotate or translate an object at the mouse position in a vtk environment?

I would like to rotate or translate an object that look like a cylinder by pressing the left button of the mouse on it. to rotate, i would like to click on the tip and make it rotate around the other ...
ymmx's user avatar
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Chrome marked existing animation as invalidated when starting new animation

I found chrome will do a huge Recalculate Style and Pre-Paint for existing animations when I start a new animation wherever on the page. Is this by design or a Chromium bug? Imagine my real web page ...
crazyones110's user avatar
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Handle keyboard layout in iOS 15+ UIKit app with collection view using the modern approach

The following is a UIKit app that uses a collection view with list layout and a diffable data source. It displays one section that has 10 empty cells and then a final cell whose content view contains ...
Filippo's user avatar
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Draw Arrow path for Location Based Map navigation Using ARKit iOS

I have indoor map and I want to draw path between two route location ex. from A to B I want to draw ARKit based Arrow path in ios Application. Currently I am using ARAnchor to achieve this but ...
Anas's user avatar
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How to introspect a protoc plugin? (Or fix the gen-bq-schema plugin)

I think the entire problem is hard to answer without further investigation. So first I simply want to know how to introspect the problem. Problem Overview I use the protoc-gen-bq-schema plugin to ...
Mike Williamson's user avatar
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Cloud - Read from Local Network File Storage (e.g. via Azure Function)

I am looking to use python code deployed in Azure Cloud (e.g. on an Azure Function), to read files location from a shared/local network drive (on-premise). The network drive requires user based ...
Mike Tauber's user avatar
2 votes
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In js running in a devcontainer, how can I copy something to the host clipboard?

My objective is to run a node.js CLI inside my devcontainer. I want to copy some text to the host clipboard inside the container. This was super simple before running in a devcontainer, because on Mac ...
DauleDK's user avatar
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34 votes
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Why does C++'s "using namespace" work the way it does?

All students are surprised by the behavior of C++ using-directives. Consider this snippet (Godbolt): namespace NA { int foo(Zoo::Lion); } namespace NB { int foo(Zoo::Lion); namespace NC { ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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pcolormesh and memory use after adding to plot

If I have code like this : import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np time_axis = np.arange(0, 30 + 1 / 50, 1 / 50) another_axis = np.arange(0, 10, 1) grid = np.zeros((len(another_axis), len(...
AnthonyML's user avatar
3 votes
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Azure Maps Libraries are not Importing (Services and Animation APIs)

I am trying to make an Angular app which will show the optimised route along with direction of a set of destinations. I installed Azure Maps SDK in my app and started using the APIs. All things are ...
ANMOL SHARMA's user avatar
7 votes
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Make SpeechRecognizer ignore text-to-speech being played out loud while listening

My experimental code below (compileSdk 34, minSdk 33), works well as far as text-to-speech and speech-recognition are considered separately: package com.example.speechandspeak; import android....
ususer's user avatar
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Can I build arm32 docker files with dockerhub

I have DockerHub repository set up to autobuild my Dockerfile stored in a BitBucket repository. Every time a modification is made to the Dockerfile, and this works fine
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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How to handle OutOfOrderSequenceException - Spring Kafka

I have an application which produces and consumes thousands of kafka events. It happens very rarely that OutOfOrderSequenceException is thrown, when KafkaTemplates tries to produce an event to a topic....
cloud_7's user avatar
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Module not found: Can't resolve 'v8' In NextJS with Twin Macro

I am getting Module not found: Can't resolve 'v8' while using the package in Nextjs with Typescript. If I use .js file, then it's working fine, If I use .tsx file then it throws Module Not found ...
Anuj Raghuvanshi's user avatar
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nextJS not building, throwing 'TypeError: Invalid URL'

No matter what I try my nextjs 14 app keeps failing on build (on this for days now). Unfortunately the error is thrown in webpack'd minimized files, but monkey patching and commenting out has me ...
Daithí's user avatar
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How do you debug a .net project in Docker that has been set up to build without a Dockerfile

I have a simple .net 8 console app that I can build and create a container from using the following command. dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer I have it configured to not need a Dockerfile to build ...
runxc1 Bret Ferrier's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to use a list-style UICollectionView but have multiple columns?

I'm working on a UICollectionView that has a custom compositional layout with multiple columns. I wanted to add swipe actions to the cells (specifically, delete). I knew this was possible because oft ...
Bill's user avatar
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How to address the Compose UI negative impacts on the Code Coverage, even after writing tests for it?

I recently migrated my Android pet project from View to Compose UI and at the begining I was excited about all the @Compose and @Preview functions but righ away noticed a segnificant drop in the repo'...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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AccessDeniedHandler not called when using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer

My application is a simple resource server — I am using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer.aadResourceServer() to validate the given access token. The specific documentation I have followed can ...
Moody's user avatar
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Test/compile not finding lib/jar with Scala 3 (but 2.13 works)

I'm packaging jars from generated source code with an sbt-plugin and the jars are fine and on the classpath. Now I have two identical minimal projects targeting Scala 2.13 and 3.3. With 2.13 I can run ...
Marc Grue's user avatar
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How to automate with binance to automaticly buy and sell based on indicator

I want to automate buying and selling on based on loaded indicator. I have connected with binance. I want to trade BTCUSDT. I have loaded UT Bot Alerts indicator into ...
taga's user avatar
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Error in my flutter project after trying to change sdk target

I can't run my app anymore since i tried to change the target sdk from 33 to 34. Now even when I change it back I get the same error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Build file 'C:\...
Android_devNL's user avatar
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iOS 18 Control Widget that opens a URL

I already have an iOS 17 App Intent that works with a URL: @available(iOS 16, *) struct MyAppIntent: AppIntent { static let title : LocalizedStringResource = "My App Inent" static ...
Gizmodo's user avatar
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Why is SSML contour tag not changing the hz of the audio

I got this SSML from AVSpeechUtterance(ssmlRepresentation:) is not complying with the contour. It doesn't change the hz. It always plays at the same hz level. I'm using: Xcode 15.3, iPhone 8 ...
daniel's user avatar
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Why is Swagger UI not showing my endpoint with a specific name?

I have a mysterious behaviour in Swagger UI When I name an endpoint "IDCard" it is not showing up in Swagger UI (the endpoint IS callable through Postman though!): However, if I name it &...
Powerslave's user avatar
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Delays in Call Execution During Half-Open State with Resilience4j Circuit Breaker in Spring Boot

I have implemented Circuit Breaker in my Spring Boot application using Resilience4j. The circuit breaker seems to be working fine overall, but I'm observing delays in call execution when it ...
Vikas Gupta's user avatar
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How to display info on google home/nest display

I have a program on my phone that reads my blood sugar value and send it to a web app I made. On that page I can see my current values and historical data. Now I want to punt my blood sugar value on ...
Bas van den Dikkenberg's user avatar
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Docker serve react app with nginx not working

Here is my situation. I have a working Laravel application running in docker with its front end in angular js embedded in Laravel itself. Now I am developing new front end for the application that is ...
Saani's user avatar
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Non-tinted image in complications using WidgetKit

I have a watchOS app where a user can select a picture. I’d like the picture to be displayed in a complication. I’m using WidgetKit, and I found out that for some watch faces (rendering mode = ...
Mario's user avatar
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com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidTypeIdException: Missing type id while fetching data from redis cache

I have implemented a redis cache in a spring boot project. Below is the code used to cache the data returned by the method. when executed first time , it stores data into cache successfully. EDIT @...
Muddassir Rahman's user avatar
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How should I run my mongodb migrations in a Dockerized app?

I am new to Docker and was wondering how I should run my migrations. I'm using the following Dockerfile for my Node js backend FROM node:14.16.0-alpine3.13 RUN addgroup app && adduser -S -G ...
Ashraf Lobo's user avatar
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Prevent abuse of Firebase Phone Auth

Recently, an unknown attacker started abusing our iOS app's Firebase Phone auth by spamming requests to with various phone ...
Orange's user avatar
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